- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive on what percentage of applications to Disclosure Scotland for disclosure checks no charge was levied in (a) each year since its establishment and (b) each of the last six months.
The cost of disclosurechecks for volunteers working in the voluntary sector with children and adultsat risk is met by Scottish Ministers. The following table sets out the numberand percentage of applications to Disclosure Scotland for which ScottishMinisters met the fee.
Period | Applications from volunteers in the voluntary sector working with children and adults at risk | Percentage |
2002-03 | 9,242 | 6.53% |
2003-04 | 30,119 | 9.42% |
2004-05 | 38,351 | 8.59% |
2005-06 | 56,172 | 10% |
2006-07 | 54,084 | 7.74% |
January 2007 | 3,450 | 8% |
February 2007 | 4,316 | 8.42% |
March 2007 | 5,191 | 9% |
April 2007 | 4,771 | 10% |
May 2007 | 5,178 | 9% |
June 2007 | 4,745 | 8% |
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive how many applications for disclosure checks have been processed by Disclosure Scotland in each week since 1 April 2004 and what the average processing time has been.
Disclosure Scotland canprovide this information on a monthly basis. Since April 2004 the number ofapplications and the average turnaround time for correctly completedapplications where there was no need to gather information from police forcesis set out in the following table.
Period | Applications Processed | Average Turnaround (days) |
April 2004 | 51,857 | 13 |
May 2004 | 38,810 | 13.8 |
June 2004 | 38,932 | 17 |
July 2004 | 55,686 | 21.5 |
August 2004 | 50,113 | 10.3 |
September 2004 | 30,611 | 4 |
October 2004 | 29,521 | 3.5 |
November 2004 | 37,012 | 3.5 |
December 2004 | 26,279 | 4 |
January 2005 | 26,641 | 3.3 |
February 2005 | 30,689 | 4.3 |
March 2005 | 33,307 | 4.6 |
April 2005 | 35,965 | 4 |
May 2005 | 33,571 | 4 |
June 2005 | 42,808 | 5.5 |
July 2005 | 42,217 | 7.3 |
August 2005 | 42,017 | 7 |
September 2005 | 50,897 | 4.7 |
October 2005 | 50,012 | 5.6 |
November 2005 | 56,033 | 7.3 |
December 2005 | 40,265 | 12.1 |
January 2006 | 55,215 | 10.8 |
February 2006 | 49,356 | 3.8 |
March 2006 | 54,344 | 4.4 |
April 2006 | 46,005 | 3.7 |
May 2006 | 51,607 | 2.4 |
June 2006 | 53,592 | 1.8 |
July 2006 | 50,771 | 2.3 |
August 2006 | 49,272 | 1.7 |
September 2006 | 38,602 | 2.5 |
October 2006 | 56,059 | 4 |
November 2006 | 52,611 | 3.8 |
December 2006 | 42,409 | 4.4 |
January 2007 | 46,492 | 4.1 |
February 2007 | 46,528 | 3.6 |
March 2007 | 51,944 | 4.3 |
April 2007 | 57,857 | 5.1 |
May 2007 | 55,090 | 4.1 |
June 2007 | 55,799 | 3.8 |
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what the cost of hospital administration was for each year since 1999, broken down by NHS board.
The amount spent by each NHSboard since 1999 on hospital administration is included in the following table.
Table 1: | NHS Hospital Management Costs 1999-2000 – 2005-06 |
1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 |
Argyll and Clyde | 20,196 | 22,884 | 23,896 | 25,680 | 25,548 | 35,411 | 37,743 |
Ayrshire and Arran | 15,927 | 18,632 | 20,259 | 22,454 | 24,387 | 25,601 | 28,566 |
Borders | 6,605 | 6,753 | 7,241 | 7,882 | 7,790 | 10,872 | 7,618 |
Dumfries and Galloway | 8,806 | 8,662 | 8,939 | 9,212 | 7,438 | 9,222 | 9,975 |
Fife | 15,009 | 16,066 | 19,397 | 19,142 | 22,823 | 20,014 | 20,989 |
Forth Valley | 11,510 | 11,828 | 12,637 | 15,764 | 17,285 | 18,261 | 19,868 |
Grampian | 27,188 | 29,609 | 31,862 | 34,923 | 35,849 | 31,650 | 34,010 |
Greater Glasgow | 60,056 | 72,357 | 74,003 | 81,850 | 92,369 | 81,322 | 85,757 |
Highland | 10,674 | 10,263 | 12,041 | 12,663 | 13,775 | 16,513 | 18,432 |
Lanarkshire | 30,279 | 33,315 | 35,659 | 36,903 | 40,907 | 42,742 | 42,035 |
Lothian | 41,552 | 48,099 | 47,758 | 57,599 | 58,732 | 63,475 | 57,194 |
Orkney | 731 | 885 | 1,076 | 1,260 | 1,245 | 1,269 | 1,427 |
Shetland | 835 | 872 | 1,152 | 1,280 | 1,556 | 2,277 | 2,390 |
Tayside | 29,925 | 35,005 | 30,434 | 33,260 | 34,813 | 38,966 | 38,413 |
Western Isles | 1,530 | 1,947 | 1,992 | 2,037 | 2,355 | 1,881 | 1,849 |
Total | 280,823 | 317,177 | 328,346 | 361,909 | 386,871 | 399,478 | 406,265 |
The Boards’ spending onmanagement costs are taken from the Scottish Financial Return (SFR) 5.2, whichis completed by each hospital and submitted to the NHS National ServicesScotland Information and Statistics Division for publication in the Costs Book.
This expenditure reports thehospital management and administrative costs which includes the followingsupport services:
Medical: HospitalMedical/Paramedical Administrative Support;
Nursing: Senior Nursing andHospital Administrative Support;
Medical Records;
General: Hospitaladministration, including senior management; and
Agency: Administrativeagency staff and agency services.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what average time is taken by Disclosure Scotland to respond to applications for disclosure checks.
At week ending 15 July 2007, theaverage turnaround time for correctly completed applications where there was noneed to gather information from police forces was 6.9 days.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive how many applications to Disclosure Scotland for disclosure checks have been returned to the applicants due to errors in (a) each year since its establishment and (b) each of the last six months, expressed also as a percentage of the total number of applications in each category of disclosure.
Disclosure Scotland hasbeen recording application returns since April 2004. They do not gatherinformation separately for the different levels of check. The availableinformation is provided in the following table.
Period | Number of Applications Returned | % of Applications Returned |
2004-05 | 36,870 | 9.84% |
2005-06 | 44,828 | 8.29% |
2006-07 | 47,270 | 7.89% |
January 2007 | 3,255 | 7.22% |
February 2007 | 3,847 | 7.50% |
March 2007 | 4,917 | 8.11% |
April 2007 | 3,522 | 7.07% |
May 2007 | 4,974 | 8.44% |
June 2007 | 4,740 | 8.04% |
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive how many applications there have been to Disclosure Scotland for (a) basic, (b) standard and (c) enhanced disclosures in (i) each year since its establishment and (ii) each of the last 12 months.
It is not possible toprovide separate figures for standard and enhanced disclosures. The informationthat is available is set out in the following table.
Period | Applications Received |
Basic | Standard/Enhanced |
2002-03 | 2,191 | 136,429 |
2003-04 | 178,818 | 187,162 |
2004-05 | 129,630 | 245,067 |
2005-06 | 209,484 | 331,267 |
2006-07 | 258,396 | 340,711 |
July 2006 | 21,035 | 30,141 |
August 2006 | 20,329 | 28,779 |
September 2006 | 19,633 | 30,411 |
October 2006 | 22,007 | 27,510 |
November 2006 | 22,461 | 32,455 |
December 2006 | 16,171 | 22,978 |
January 2007 | 21,328 | 23,751 |
February 2007 | 22,958 | 28,329 |
March 2007 | 28,339 | 32,292 |
April 2007 | 24,829 | 24,982 |
May 2007 | 28,601 | 30,328 |
June 2007 | 27,666 | 31,285 |
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Linda Fabiani on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to fly the Saltire permanently over governmental buildings for which it has responsibility.
The Scottish Government doesfly the Saltire at all its buildings. The flag flying guidance has, sinceSeptember 2005 stated that “The Saltire should now be flown every day.”
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Linda Fabiani on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it plans to make for the responsibility for official flag stations in Scotland to be devolved to Scottish ministers.
The Scottish Government believes that all such matters should be the responsibility of the Scottish Parliament and Scottish ministers. There are no immediate plans to make representations on this issue.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive how many briefings were held between Scottish ministers and (a) the Director General of the Security Service, MI5, and (b) other directors from the Security Service from 3 May 2006 to 2 May 2007.
I refer the member to thequestion S3W-2049 answered on 26 July 2007. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’swebsite, the search facility for which can be found at:
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Linda Fabiani on 26 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will issue guidance to all non-departmental public bodies for which it has responsibility to encourage them to fly the Saltire as the principal flag above those of their properties for which there is an existing flagpole.
The Scottish Government has, since June 2001, distributed its flag flying guidance to all non-departmental bodies for which it has responsibility. The guidance advocates that the Saltire should be flown every day.