- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 04 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Tavish Scott on 3 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-14076 by Nicol Stephen on 22 March 2005, in how many fatal and serious road accidents were (a) exceeding the speed limit and (b) travelling too fast for the conditions contributory factors, from January 2005.
Data about injury road accidentsare collected by the police and reported to the Scottish Executive using the Stats19 statistical report form.
Statistical information aboutthe factors which may have contributed to the occurrence of an injury road accidentis only available if it occurred since the start of 2005, when the Stats 19 specificationwas expanded to include such information. The following table gives the statisticswhich are now available. It must be emphasised that the contributory factors shown in the Stats 19 returnsreflect the reporting officer’s opinion atthe time of making the report, and are not necessarily the result of extensive investigation:subsequent enquiries could lead to a change in the opinion of the reporting officer.The Stats 19 contributory factors are largely subjective, and depend upon the skilland experience of the reporting officer in reconstructing the events which led directlyto the accident, based upon the information available at the time of making thereport.
Fatal and Serious Road Accidentsin 2005 for which One or Both of the Specified Contributory Factors were Recorded
Contributory Factor | Fatal and Serious Accidents in 2005 (Provisional) |
Exceeding speed limit | 144 |
Travelling too fast for conditions | 289 |
One or both of these factors | 409 |
Three points should be noted.First, the results from the first year of the collection of new statistical information like this could be subject to “teethingtroubles”. Second, the total is less than the sum of the figures for the two factorsbecause there were some accidents for which both factors were reported. Finally,these figures are “provisional” because the data for 2005 have not yet been finalised- for example, contributory factors have not been supplied for about 5% of the injuryroad accidents which were reported for 2005. It is hoped to obtain these detailsbefore the final figures for 2005 are produced. There may, however, be some accidentsfor which the reporting officers cannot identify any contributory factors.
Analyses of the final contributoryfactor data for 2005 will be included in Road Accidents Scotland 2005, which isscheduled to be published in November 2006.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 17 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Hugh Henry on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has made to Northern Constabulary to release all the relevant papers which it holds surrounding the death of Mr Willie Macrae in April 1985.
None. The release of materialby Northern Constabulary is a matter for the Chief Constable of that police force.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 17 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Tom McCabe on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive what the five most common subjects of complaints to local authorities were in each year since 1999.
This information is not heldcentrally.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 17 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Tom McCabe on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive how many staff left its employment in each year since 1999, broken down into staff who (a) resigned, (b) were made redundant and (c) were dismissed as a result of disciplinary action.
The following table shows thenumber of staff in Scottish Executive core departments that resigned, were maderedundant, or were dismissed as a result of disciplinary action in each year since1999.
Reason for Leaving
Year | Resigned | Redundant | Dismissed |
1999 | 189 | 4 | 7 |
2000 | 187 | 6 | 5 |
2001 | 200 | 29 | 5 |
2002 | 175 | 0 | 3 |
2003 | 134 | 0 | 2 |
2004 | 99 | 5 | 4 |
2005 | 113 | 0 | 4 |
2006 (up to end June) | 54 | 0 | 0 |
The table does not include anumber of other ways staff leave the Scottish Executive, such as transferring toanother government department and leaving at normal retirement age.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 05 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Hugh Henry on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive, following the meeting scheduled with Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) officials on 16 May 2006, what new measures the SCRA is required to report on to ministers regarding youth justice reporting.
No meeting took placebetween Scottish Executive officials and Scottish Children’s ReporterAdministration (SCRA) staff on 16 May 2006.
With regard to youth justicereporting, no further requirements have been placed on SCRA in respect of newmeasures on which to report, and no directions have been made in respect of the presentation or analysis of data.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 05 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Hugh Henry on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it agreed with and supported the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) view that it should not issue the Q4 Youth Justice Report prepared by SCRA in April 2006.
The first run of the 2005-06data (including data on the final quarter of 2005-06) was undertaken by the ScottishChildren’s Reporter Administration on 1 and 2 June 2006in accordance with agreed reporting timelines.
This reflects the processadopted in respect of 2004-05 data, where priority was given to providing thefull set of data rather than one quarter only.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 04 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Robert Brown on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive what guidance it has provided to the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration since March 2005 in relation to the provision of information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
The Scottish Executive has notprovided any specific guidance to the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration(SCRA) since March 2005 in relation to the provision of information under the Freedomof Information (Scotland) Act 2002.Internal guidance produced forScottish Executive staff in relation to Freedom of Information request handlingis available via the Scottish Executive’s publication scheme on the website, andis therefore also available to Scottish Public Bodies and other agencies outwiththe Scottish Executive. The guidance is available at
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 04 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Hugh Henry on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive on what dates in this year did the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration provide ministers or their officials with provisional statistics showing national and local authority data on youth justice, including figures on persistent young offenders.
The Scottish Children’s ReporterAdministration (SCRA) does not provide “provisional statistics” to the ScottishExecutive on youth justice. Officials and partners in other agencies regularly receivedata pre-publication. Quarterly and annual youth justice data are published on theSCRA website and laid in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Hugh Henry on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive what confidence it has in the data analysis and publication of figures by the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA), in light of the press release by Moray Council of 11 July 2006 which said that its most prolific, persistent offenders were not included in SCRA’s baseline data of persistent young offenders.
We are satisfied that the quarterlyand annual data published by the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA)is robust.
- Asked by: Christine Grahame, MSP for South of Scotland, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 10 July 2006
Current Status:
Answered by Robert Brown on 2 August 2006
To ask the Scottish Executive how many children referred to the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration on grounds of “lack of parental care” in each year since 2001 came from the top 20 most deprived communities, as defined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, expressed (a) in real terms and (b) as a percentage of the total number of referrals for “lack of parental care”.
The Scottish Children’sReporter Administration (SCRA) does not hold information on children referredas defined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.
Information provided by SCRAis for children referred to the Children’s Reporter under section 52(2)(c) of the Children’s (Scotland) Act 1995 on the basis that they were likely(i) to suffer unnecessarily; or (ii) to be impaired seriously in his health ordevelopment, due to lack of parental care. This information is provided foreach local authority area for 2003-04 and 2004-05.
This breakdown is notavailable for preceding years which pre-date the Scottish Children’s ReporterAdministration Referral Administration Database (RAD).
Local Authority | 2003-2004 | 2004-2005 |
Aberdeenshire | 330 | 452 |
Angus | 132 | 121 |
Argyll and Bute | 252 | 345 |
City of Aberdeen | 646 | 1005 |
Clackmannan | 314 | 510 |
Dumfries and Galloway | 783 | 830 |
Dundee | 618 | 383 |
East Ayrshire | 158 | 199 |
East Dunbartonshire | 67 | 114 |
East Lothian | 371 | 325 |
East Renfrewshire | 154 | 74 |
Edinburgh | 2376 | 2507 |
Falkirk | 661 | 718 |
Fife | 615 | 765 |
Glasgow | 2047 | 1629 |
Highland | 854 | 947 |
Inverclyde | 442 | 531 |
Midlothian | 534 | 501 |
Moray | 288 | 280 |
North Ayrshire | 503 | 328 |
North Lanarkshire | 551 | 440 |
Orkney | 40 | 28 |
Perth and Kinross | 213 | 210 |
Renfrewshire | 644 | 493 |
Shetland | 48 | 57 |
South Ayrshire | 58 | 98 |
South Lanarkshire | 279 | 334 |
Stirling | 514 | 520 |
The Scottish Borders | 418 | 469 |
West Dunbartonshire | 561 | 567 |
Western Isles | 93 | 115 |
West Lothian | 704 | 923 |
Total* | 16,266 | 16,781 |
Source: SCRA ReferralsAdministration Database (RAD).
Note: *A child may be referred in more than one localauthority in the year. The total number of children referred for Scotland isa count of each child once, and does not therefore reflect the sum of the localauthorities.