Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
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Displaying 290 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government what work it has done to assess any impact of salmon farm mass mortality events on the welfare of (a) salmon farm workers and (b) local communities, in light of the article published in Nature on 7 March 2024, which found that mass die-offs on salmon farms have reportedly been increasing over the last decade in every country where salmon farming operates, including Scotland.
To ask the Scottish Government what work is being done to reduce any reliance the salmon farm industry has on new technological measures to mitigate against reported rising fish mortalities, in light of the finding in the article published in Nature on 7 March 2024 that the "risks [of mass mortality events] are often introduced [by human cause] and can increase in frequency and scale when dependent on technology and infrastructure to produce in environments not naturally conducive to the scale of production".
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the rural affairs secretary has had with ministerial colleagues regarding what steps it can take to protect horticultural workers on seasonal worker visas from unfair work practices and substandard accommodation.
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether open net salmon farming is a sustainable method of food production, in light of the article published in Nature on 7 March 2024, which found that mass die-offs on salmon farms have been increasing over the last decade in every country where salmon farming operates, including Scotland, and that increasing mortality results in increased waste along the supply chain, including wild-caught fish and soy used for feed, wrasse used as cleaner fish, and medicines and chemicals used for treatments.
To ask the Scottish Government when it will announce its decision on whether it will be adopting the recommendations by the UK Government's Animal Welfare Committee on farmed fish welfare.
To ask the Scottish Government to which agricultural grants the new Fair Work conditionality in public sector grants will apply.
To ask the Scottish Government whether the new Fair Work conditionality in certain agricultural grants will extend to temporary workers in Scotland on a seasonal worker visa.
To ask the First Minister, in light of the recent report by the Climate Change Committee, how the Scottish Government plans to accelerate action to ensure that Scotland achieves net zero by 2045.
To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made on the review of the Clean Air Act 1993, as set out in the Clean Air for Scotland strategy published in 2021, and whether it has considered introducing any changes for controlling domestic combustion emissions such as incentivising the use of electrostatic particulate filters for wood burners.