Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search. There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.
Displaying 1009 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government what the contractual/commissioning arrangements are for financial allocations to the Scottish Youth Parliament.
To ask the Scottish Government what national performance indicators are considered as part of the grant allocation to the Scottish Youth Parliament.
To ask the Scottish Government what longer-term plans it has for the Pupil Equity Fund.
To ask the Scottish Government what conclusions its advisory sub-group on education has reached regarding reducing the number of mandatory self-isolating students identified as contacts of people with COVID-19.
To ask the Scottish Government what species of trees have been planted, and in what numbers, as a result of its (a) grants and (b) tax breaks.
To ask the Scottish Government what support it is providing to local authorities to raise awareness of mobile/walk-in COVID-19 testing centres.
To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to ensure that (a) there are adequate COVID-19 tests available for schools and (b) COVID-19 testing rates in schools improve once pupils return.
To ask the Scottish Government what recommendations have been made by the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group since the development and delivery of local area suicide-prevention action plans.
To ask the Scottish Government how many local action plans have been put into place as a result of the Local Area Suicide Prevention Action Plans: Scottish Guidance produced by the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group and COSLA.
To ask the Scottish Government what new, specific and visible activities are taking place in Falkirk as a result of the work of the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group.