Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
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Displaying 922 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, where there are any specific anticipated functions for local authorities to deliver elements of the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) delivery plans, such as communication, coordination, monitoring and complaints, what funding will be made available for the fulfilment of any such functions that is commensurate with the cost.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, whether there will be a national public communications programme to ensure that the general public understand the proposed upcoming changes to Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) requirements, and what role Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) delivery plans will play in any such programme.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, who will be responsible for managing the coordination of suppliers at local level, to ensure that they have the skills and quality marks required, in time for the roll-out of delivery plans, and what it anticipates will be the role of local authorities in this.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, how funding to pay for household measures will be (a) coordinated and (b) delivered, and, specifically, what it anticipates will be the role of local authorities in this.
To ask the Scottish Government how many electronic messages it has sent to the National Records of Scotland to be archived, since the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, how additional demands on other local authority services, such as planning and building control, will be resourced, particularly in light of the reported national shortage of planners.
To ask the Scottish Government what (a) models of mobile phones it has purchased and (b) networks it has used for its mobile phones in the past five years.
To ask the Scottish Government how (a) many mobile phones it has purchased and (b) much it has spent on mobile phone contracts in each of the past five years.
To ask the Scottish Government how many pre-paid mobile phones, so-called burner phones, it has purchased in the past five years.
To ask the Scottish Government how the new National Public Energy Agency will work with local government on area-based delivery.