To ask the Scottish Government what objectives it set for any funding that it has provided to the Scottish Drugs Forum since 2019.
The Scottish Government recognises the important contribution that the Scottish Drugs Forum has in delivering services to people who use drugs. The Scottish Government has provided funding to the Scottish Drugs Forum for a number of projects since 2019, with each project having specific objectives. Below is an outline of each project and the objectives that have been set for these.
Sexual Health and Blood Bourne Virus Project Names and Objectives:
2018 – 2021
To continue the work of Hepatitis Scotland in leading the voluntary sector response to viral hepatitis prevention, treatment and support, and ultimately reduce the harm caused by viral hepatitis in Scotland. The key work will focus on:
- Information-sharing with professionals, people affected by viral hepatitis and the general public.
- Strategic development and partnership working - fostering links with key stakeholders, including services working in drugs and sexual health and with vulnerable young people.
- Patient involvement and representation - exploring and representing the views of those affected by or at risk of viral hepatitis.
A programme of work aimed at people who inject drugs (PWIDs) which will:
- Reduce bloodborne virus (BBV) infections, particularly HIV, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies.
- Increase treatment uptake for BBVs and STIs.
Achieved through:
1. Ensuring views and opinions of PWIDs are effectively heard by policymakers and practitioners.
2. Ensure increase in knowledge and understanding of HIV and HCV treatment and prevention in PWIDs .
3. Improving and enhancing the skills of practitioners working with PWIDs.
4. Encourage new models of care and treatment based on best practice.
5. Develop responses/resources to reduce intersectional stigma.
Year 1
Publish report on mixed methods research with people engaged in chemsex, people who use image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs) and people involved in prostitution covering:
- Specific risks in terms of drug use and sexual health.
- Treatment needs.
- Specific information needs and how best to make this information available.
- What workers need to know in order to support these populations effectively.
- The report will inform current policy and be utilised to develop workforce development for support services in Scotland.
Year 2
- Design three training courses based on the findings of the research. Deliver six pilot training sessions.
- Adapt training following feedback.
- Deliver 25 training and learning development days for staff working with people engaged in chemsex, people who use IPEDs and people involved in prostitution.
Year 3
- Deliver 35 training and learning development days for staff working with people engaged in chemsex, people who use IPEDs and people involved in prostitution.
- Deliver capacity building event(s) to improve joint working and care pathways between key services.
- Raise awareness of the needs of the target populations to Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and Sexual Health and BBV Managed Care Networks.
Ensuring that the work force is fully trained and equipped to support vulnerable young people in relation to BBVs and other sexually transmitted infections.
Year 1
- Undertake a training and learning development survey(and focus groups) of staff working with vulnerable young people in relation to BBVs, sexual and reproductive health and harm reduction.
- Deliver 35 training and learning development days for staff working with vulnerable young people, including a brief evaluation questionnaire.
- Develop e-learning training specifically aimed at staff working with vulnerable young people on BBVs, S&RH and harm reduction.
Years 2 and 3
- Undertake a national event/conference exploring current and future service provision and staff capacity needs.
- Deliver 35 training and learning development days for staff working with vulnerable young people each year, including a brief evaluation questionnaire.
- Provide e-learning on BBVs, S&RH and harm reduction. (To be updated in year 3.)
- Repeat the staff survey to assess impact of work on staff knowledge and understanding.
Improving joint work between services for vulnerable young people and related services in particular sexual health services and services supporting young LGBT people.
- Undertake facilitated networking sessions between key staff- two each year.
- Create a care pathway and signposting document template which can be utilised by each health board/ADP area in conjunction with the SHBBV MCNs and Councils.
- Create a follow up and development work plan following these networking events to embed improved joint working and streamline care pathways.
- Raising awareness of the needs of vulnerable young people to Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and Managed Care Networks.
- Inputs/presentation to existing national forums of Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and Managed Care Networks – two per year.
- Input/presentations to individual ADPs/SHBBV MCNs - four per year.
Objective 1: Improving the quality of interventions to drug users at risk of infection
- Continue to run 35 training sessions each year;
- Develop e-learning to support flexible and accessible training;
- Develop advanced bacterial infection and drug use course;
- Provide ongoing support following training;
- Develop a range of resources related to infection;
- Actively engage with pharmacy staff related to training needs.
Objective 2: Improving the preparedness of frontline services, user groups and SDF to respond to outbreaks of infection among drug users
- Support to Incident Management Team as required – agreement of key messages around practical responses and prevention, contact with, information, briefing and training users, voluntary sector and other frontline services;
- Develop range of resources for frontline staff in response to (or preparation for) potential future outbreak
- Develop other relevant training as necessary;
- Support communication strategy for outbreaks;
- Maintain a broad up-to-date database of key contacts and agencies;
- Contribution to the development of local Bacterial Infection protocols with local partners where appropriate.
Drugs Policy Project Names and Objectives:
- To support and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drug/alcohol treatment services.
- Workforce Development.
- Establish structures / networks to involve people with lived and living experience in treatment services.
- Develop responses to new and emerging trends and challenges.
- Develop effective approaches to education and prevention.
- Support and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drug/alcohol treatment services.
- Workforce development.
- Establish structures/networks to involve people with lived/living experience in treatment services.
- Develop responses to new / emerging trends and challenges (EG: IPED users / NPS).
- Develop effective approaches to Education / Prevention.
- Support and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drug/alcohol treatment services.
- Workforce development.
- Establish structures / networks to involve people with lived / living experience (including family members) in national / local policy development.
- Support peer-led grassroots recovery organisations across the country.
- Develop responses to new / emerging trends and challenges (e.g. IPED users / NPS).
- Develop effective approaches to prevention.
- Assessment of injecting risk (AIR) training for frontline workers who work with people who inject drugs.
- Bespoke training for NHS resus training officers who will cascade to all GP practice staff.
- General harm reduction training for frontline workers on responding to poly substance use and overdose.
- Define scope and membership.
- Outline ‘standards’ for minimum and optimal OST provision.
- Establish evidence base.
- Describe models of care to achieve standards and link these to the evidence base.
- Showcase successful models and consult on draft standards (e.g. through roadshow).
- Complete standards’ for minimum and optimal OST provision.
- Support teams to make the system changes needed through a QI approach.
- To run a Naloxone media campaign.
- SDF will lead and manage this campaign devising and designing much of the content and commissioning creative, broadcasting and advertising partners. The campaign will be designed and delivered by a team of media campaign professionals and co-ordinated by SDF staff from Scottish Drugs Forum who will also contribute expertise on all drug related issues including naloxone, stigma and public perceptions of people with a drug problem.
- SDF will develop the webpage to offer a new homepage to which people will be directed by all of the campaign materials.
Scottish Drugs Forum will work with Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) to support the delivery of the key objectives within the ADP and Homeless Programme: Reducing Harm, Improving Care (RHIC) to:
- Understand user experiences of people experiencing homelessness who require alcohol and drugs services.
- Identify the enablers and barriers to accessing alcohol and drugs and homelessness services.
- Identify user needs for an integrated model of care.
- Funding for two positions to provide support to organisations applying to the Community Fund through Corra.
- Support grassroots and community organisations to develop and plan for sustainability beyond the life of the funds.
(Revised objectives 2023)
- Support organisations that are already funded through the programme to enhance their development and long-term sustainability - Provide a minimum of 20 organisations per year funded through the programme with intensive developmental and long-term sustainability support, enhancing capacity building within the sector.
- Work with external stakeholders to promote and link the work of funded organisations.
- Promote the programme and the support that National Drugs Mission funded projects can access widely and encourage engagement - Promote the programme to 100% of identified organisations and raise awareness of the support that organisations can access and encourage organisations to engage.
- Assist organisations in the development of funding proposals - Work with a minimum of 20 organisations per year assist in the development of funding proposals.
- Develop in partnership with others a lived and living experience panel.
- Develop and deliver a training programme to people with living experience across Scotland.
- Support and develop with partners, existing networks of people with living experience.
- Support and develop with partners new networks of people with living experience.
- Support and develop a national network from representatives of the local networks of people with living experience.
- Develop networks role in terms of informal drug trend information including the use of drug checking services (WEDINOS – Welsh Emerging Drugs and Identification of Novel Substances).
- Ensure that voices of people with living experience are represented within the Drug Death Taskforce and its Sub-groups and that this informs actions.
- Ensure that voices of people with living experience are heard within the wider sector – both at service and strategic levels, including government.
- Ensure that voices of people with living experience influence the wider public discourse through engagement with elected members and the media.
- Develop a plan for sustainable future for this work beyond the life of the Taskforce and the project.
(Revised objectives 2022)
- Engage and support developments with existing regional living experience engagement groups and establish further regional groups across Scotland.
- Support national group and regional LLE panel and stakeholder group activity.
- Conduct scoping work to identify potential areas for groups with local partners.
- Contribute to local and national drug trend monitoring including the use of drug checking services (WEDINOS – Welsh Emerging Drugs and Identification of Novel Substances).
- Development and provision of training across Scotland for living experience group attendees working with key partners.
- Develop capacity and sustainability of local groups.
- Support and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drug and alcohol treatment services.
- Develop effective approaches to education and prevention.
- Support and develop the workforce to address the challenges related to substance use.
- Establish structures and networks to involve people with experience of treatment services.
- Support services to reduce morbidity among people who use drugs.
- Continuation and expansion of the Assessment of Injecting risk training for frontline workers who work with people who inject drugs including statutory and third sector services.
- Continuation and expansion of the harm reduction training package. This will be in line with the most common drugs involved with drug related deaths in Scotland, the training will focus on overdose prevention for opioids, benzodiazepines and cocaine/crack.
- Approach the local providers to offer training for trainers sessions on overdose intervention and naloxone administration, so that GP practices can include relevant information in their annual course to practice staff.
PEER TO PEER NALOXONE (2022-23-2025-26)
- Establish, embed and support high quality peer supply of naloxone as a core service across Scotland.
- Ensure those involved in peer initiatives have an active voice in the delivery of naloxone and other harm reduction interventions, including the sharing and promotion of good practice.
- Connect with and offer support to all peer naloxone projects across Scotland.
- Support and improve the efficiency and effectiveness or drug and alcohol treatment services.
- Develop effective approaches to education and prevention.
- Support and develop the workforce to address the challenges related to substance use.
- Establish structures and networks to involve people with experience of treatment services.
- Support services to reduce morbidity and mortality among people who use drugs.
- To expand the geographical reach and scale of the Addiction Worker Training Programme to include an additional 20 AWTP trainee placements per year.
- Participants will experience increased social capital, financial stability, confidence, and well-being.
- A programme of intensive support will be offered to participants to enable them to complete a 9-month programme of paid work placements, specialist training, and vocational learning – this includes a programme of group and individual inputs provided by SDF and partners agencies.
- Participants will complete an intensive programme of specialist training and eLearning, Quality Assured by Skills for Health.
- Participants will be supported to achieve the industry standard qualification – SVQ Level 2 in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF Level 6. Trainees will have improved awareness and knowledge of current legislation, frameworks, and codes of practice and how they are applied in the workplace.
- Trainees will be provided with digital literacy support and equipment to engage in online activities – the digital skills of everyone engaging in the programme will be increased through participation.