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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 31 March 2025
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Displaying 766 contributions


Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

SDS mentioned potential investment of about £260 billion in various sectors, including construction, oil and gas, shipbuilding, advanced manufacturing, over the next 10 years. You spoke of a five-to-10-year vision in your report, which I imagine is about its implementation. If we accept that the system needed to be changed—which we did, because you were asked to carry out a review—what concerns do you have that the opportunities to take full advantage of the investment that is needed might be missed in that timeframe?

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

In your response to Murdo Fraser, you talked about the need for change. That was not just a question of asking for more money, but you recognised that, certainly on the apprenticeship side, 3 per cent of the total spend is probably not enough. Government has been quite clear that it will not change its approach to tuition fees and university funding. Money is extremely limited. Do you see a contradiction in what can be delivered for apprenticeships? Having spoken to some in the college sector, I know that there is a real fear that, as has happened in the past, it will be the one to get its budget squeezed again. We all recognise that there are not enough apprenticeship places and that there is huge demand.

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

Those who are unable to get a place for a modern apprenticeship may go to college and then on to university, and they will be unavailable as part of the workforce for longer. We are still investing in them, quite rightly, but we are perhaps spending more money than we might have done if we had provided them with apprenticeship places in the first place.

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

I will resist the temptation to move on to other aspects of graduate apprenticeships and funding. However, on my visit to Serimax during apprenticeship week, I heard the same thing as Murdo Fraser—that there are a lot more applicants for graduate apprenticeships than there are places. Which route do those who are unsuccessful and do not secure an apprenticeship predominantly take? Where do they go?

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

Could that also be solved by directing more funding to apprenticeships, rather than by finding those places in businesses?

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

You said in your report that the recommendations

“form a package of public service reform, which ... would need to be implemented in full”

to be successful. The Government response to the report was that it is

“minded to follow the direction of travel that it outlines”.

Those two are not necessarily the same. How confident are you that the recommendations will be implemented in full? What are your concerns about the impact that it might have if they are not?

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

I will not make any comment on that.

Was the financial side part of the remit, or was it excluded from it?

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

Skills Delivery

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

It is about how it is sliced.

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

New Deal for Business

Meeting date: 19 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

I think that there is an acceptance that the visitor levy is likely to happen, or certainly that it could happen. However, most of the concerns that has been raised with me have been about the legislation that went through this Parliament. For example, there are concerns about the levy being a percentage rather than a flat rate; about the fact that VAT will be charged on it; and about how the levy will be collected, which will essentially turn businesses into tax collectors. All those things have come from this Parliament and not from the councils in Highland, Argyll, Moray or wherever.

Do you have concerns about implementation of the levy? How could the new deal for business group have played a role in making sure that the legislation was right as it came through Parliament?

Economy and Fair Work Committee [Draft]

New Deal for Business

Meeting date: 19 March 2025

Jamie Halcro Johnston

To be clear, then, are you happy with the legislation that came through this Parliament?
