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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 10 January 2025
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Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2025-26

Meeting date: 3 September 2024

Emma Harper

Good morning to you all. My questioning is on the same theme—financial planning—but is about sustainability. Before I get to my first main question, I wonder what the legacy of Covid is. I think that we are still recovering. I have a simple question: are we still recovering from the global pandemic?

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2025-26

Meeting date: 3 September 2024

Emma Harper

Is there anything that we should be doing on multiyear funding commitments? That issue comes up a lot in evidence. Can IJBs do anything to support sustainable planning as we move forward?

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2025-26

Meeting date: 3 September 2024

Emma Harper

I have one final question. In your submission, Professor Bell, you talk about the NHS and how funding for boards varies widely. You say that that

“is difficult to explain in relation to markers such as deprivation or rurality.”

Dumfries and Galloway IJB is 79.4 per cent funded by the NHS, for example, whereas the figure for the north-east—Aberdeenshire—is 53.9 per cent. Can you explain why there is such variation in how the IJBs are funded?

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2025-26

Meeting date: 3 September 2024

Emma Harper

Good morning. I asked the previous panel about recovery from Covid, as we are still recovering from a global pandemic. I am interested to know, for instance, about the on-going financial costs of dealing with post-pandemic vaccinations and long-term care, which were unanticipated prior to the pandemic. Has the pandemic had an impact on on-going planning for finances? How has that impacted ye?

I am looking at you to answer first, Sharon, because your heid is up.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2025-26

Meeting date: 3 September 2024

Emma Harper

I am just thinking about the 79.4 per cent of NHS funding that goes towards integration in Dumfries and Galloway. That is a big pot of money and already represents a big chunk of what they are doing.

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 26 June 2024

Emma Harper

Can I ask another wee quick question? I am thinking about areas that have wild salmon, such as the rivers that feed into the Solway Firth. Galloway Fisheries Trust manages a lot of the research around there. There are no wild salmon farms in the Solway or near the River Tweed, but research is being conducted to look at salmon in those rivers. Would such research help to inform what is happening to wild salmon in other areas? I know that there are issues with fish farms and wild salmon, but there is research to look at salmon outside of where the west coast fish farms are.

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 26 June 2024

Emma Harper

It has been very interesting to hear everybody’s questions so far. Recommendation 41 from the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee is that a precautionary approach should be taken to the siting of salmon farms to avoid wild salmon migratory routes. We have already talked a little bit about those migratory routes, but does the siting of new farms since 2018 indicate that a precautionary approach has been adopted? Have you seen any sites close to migratory routes?

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 26 June 2024

Emma Harper

As a bit of a segue, I know that what Norway is doing with research and development on the siting of pens is not the answer to everything, but I have been reading about these giant ships—big hulls that are floating fish farms—that can be sited in areas of deep water and can resist storms and high waves. Should we be thinking about that emerging technology instead of net pens that are fixed to the sea bed?

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 26 June 2024

Emma Harper

Good morning. The salmon interactions working group report identified the importance of the sectors developing a

“professional and collaborative working relationship”.

It also recommended the development of local engagement mechanisms between fin-fish farmers and wild fisheries management. What progress has been made on those points?

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 26 June 2024

Emma Harper

Are you able to identify what is working well in the areas in which it is working well, so that we can transfer that approach to areas where it is not working well?