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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 14 March 2025
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Displaying 1250 contributions


Finance and Public Administration Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2022-23: Public Finances and the Impact of Covid-19

Meeting date: 14 September 2021

Ross Greer

In the earlier part of our meeting, Linda Somerville from the STUC mentioned that its position is that we need to tax not just income, but wealth. Councillor Macgregor talked about other local revenue-raising opportunities, the transient visitor levy being one example. It was derailed by Covid, but there is still a broad appetite to move in that direction. We talked a moment ago about creative policy solutions being adopted in Scotland in the past years. Can other creative solutions for revenue raising be found at a local level?

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Pre-budget Scrutiny 2022-23: Public Finances and the Impact of Covid-19

Meeting date: 14 September 2021

Ross Greer

To clarify, is the work that is being done purely internal to COSLA and the cross-party discussions that you talked about? Have any interim discussions been held with the Scottish Government at this point?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer

Yes. Thank you. I will go a little bit further. The SNSAs have a dual purpose: they are supposed to collect both formative and summative data. Their stated purpose is to help individual teachers in supporting their pupils and to provide that larger summative data about how the system as a whole is working. Romane Viennet made the point that SNSAs are not necessarily the best way to collect that data. To clarify, are you talking about the summative data? Is your point that SNSAs are not necessarily the best way to collect system-level data?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer

The Scottish Parliament information centre, which is a neutral research resource available to all members—it is not aligned with any one party—has just published more analysis of that. It highlights the potential difference between the Scottish Government accepting the headline recommendations of your report and responding to the wider commentary that it contains. For example, the report contains no specific headline recommendation on SNSAs, but there is wider commentary—as you just explained—on whether they are the most useful way to collect the required data. Would you expect the Scottish Government to respond directly to the points that the report makes around SNSAs?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer

Good morning. Over the past few days, much of the commentary in Scotland around the report has been about Scottish national standardised assessments—the achievement of curriculum for excellence level assessments—in relation to the references made both in the report itself and at the launch, back in June.

Rather than put words into your mouths, I will ask you to expand on what was said in the report about SNSAs. Specifically, is their purpose clear and are they meeting that stated purpose at present?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer


Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer

Yes, convener. It was very useful.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer

Thank you both. That is all from me for now, convener.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Report

Meeting date: 8 September 2021

Ross Greer

For the purposes of time, I will ask only one question, which is on the governance arrangements around curriculum for excellence and, specifically, on the OECD’s findings relating to the Scottish Qualifications Authority and Education Scotland, which are the two major agencies that are responsible for delivery, and their relationship.

In response to the OECD’s report, the Scottish Government announced that those two bodies will, in essence, be merged. Education Scotland’s inspection function is being removed. That function will be carried out independently, which is supported across the Parliament. However, the body that is responsible for developing the curriculum and the body that is responsible for developing qualifications will be brought together. I recognise the point that was made about the qualifications system and the curriculum simply not aligning, so, on the face of it, it makes a lot of sense to bring the two agencies together in order to get, I hope, better alignment. However, is that a common governance arrangement in other comparable education systems?

Education, Children and Young People Committee


Meeting date: 23 June 2021

Ross Greer

Although it is not a registrable interest, I have membership of the Disclosure Scotland protection of vulnerable groups scheme for the purposes of youth work with the Church of Scotland.