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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 6 January 2025
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Displaying 1309 contributions


Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

Thank you, Dr Scott. I add my congratulations on your organisation’s birthday, and as one of the token men on the committee, I say happy international women’s day to you. Fist bumps all the way.

You have raised a few interesting points that I will not labour with the panel, because we do not have time.

The last point that I do want to discuss, although it is probably bad timing because it is international women’s day, is that domestic abuse is also suffered by men. There are male victims of domestic abuse, and they can suffer at the hands of either female or male abusers. I find it very hard to get statistical data on that, although I know that a witness from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland who will be in the next panel has some.

A couple of years ago, there was a concerted campaign by charities, the Scottish Government and some organisations in London to offer more support to deal with the stigma around male domestic abuse. You are nodding your head, Claire Houghton; do you want to come in on that?

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

Before I go back down the line of witnesses, I will add in the issue of sentencing, because Dr Scott was clear that sentencing could be tougher. It is all very well to pass it on to another element of the judiciary who are not here to defend themselves, but it is not just down to decisions by individual judges and sheriffs. The Scottish Sentencing Council is also involved, and that is often underpinned by legislation, which dictates the direction of travel. Perhaps in your answers you could respond to the school of thought that the current sentences are not proving to be a deterrent at all to some individuals.

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

Thank you.

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

I presume that there are safeguards to ensure that people are not obtaining information maliciously based on false premises.

Criminal Justice Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

I see.

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

I hear what you are saying, but the number is still quite high. Even if there has been an increase in reporting, the figure is still high.

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

Good morning. I will start with a question for Dr Scott. By asking it, I risk opening up a Pandora’s box, but I will ask it anyway. Earlier, you made a slightly off-the-cuff comment about sentencing being the elephant in the room. I would like you to elaborate on that, because I think that it is very relevant to the conversation. Will you briefly share your thoughts on the subject of sentencing as a deterrent?

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

You will be aware of the committee’s report on the Bail and Release from Custody (Scotland) Bill, which was published this week. Earlier, you mentioned the volume of offenders who breach their bail conditions and the effect that that has on their victims. Have you had a chance to do an initial review of our in-depth report and our recommendations? Is there anything that you want to say about that, as it relates to domestic abuse?

Criminal Justice Committee

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: Post-legislative Scrutiny

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

Before I move on to get the Crown’s position, perhaps this is a good point to look at the data. I will cherry pick data for 2020-21, because it is recent. Of the 65,000 domestic abuse cases that were reported to the police, my understanding is that 1,600 crimes were recorded under DASA—I need to be careful with my terminology here, because it is very easy to confuse statistics. Of those 1,600 crimes, 1,200 charges were reported. As the convener said in her opening comments, there were proceedings against 420 individuals in 2020-21, and 383 successful convictions.

I am looking at that ratio. If you start with 65,000 incidents and under DASA have 383 convictions, although every one of those convictions is welcome to the victim, that is 0.5 per cent of the total number of incidents, which does not seem great. I know that it is a journey, and that it is a new piece of legislation. The direction of travel has been okay over the past couple of years, but that ratio seems underwhelming. What is the Crown’s role in all this?

Criminal Justice Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 8 March 2023

Jamie Greene

Good morning, cabinet secretary. I have some questions about sections 47 and 48 of the 2003 act, which I believe the instrument amends or relates to.

The policy note states:

“Scottish Ministers will be able to facilitate the transfer of prisoners to and from these countries for assisting with the investigation of offences.”

That seems like quite a benign statement. First, does that agreement already exist and, if so, are you simply adding those countries to it?

Secondly, if such an agreement does not currently exist for those countries but will do after this change, I have some questions about what that will mean. At the moment, we are hosting a large number of Ukrainian refugees who have fled the war in their home country, and there have been media reports of some of them already looking to instigate proceedings with regard to crimes of war, against either Russia as a state or individuals. If any of those complainants were to make a complaint in Scotland, would this provision be required, for example, to move prisoners from Ukraine to Scotland for trial—or, indeed, vice versa, if someone had come here as a refugee but was found to be needed back home for an investigation? Would there be that kind of two-way conversation? Would it also include people held as prisoners of war? As a specific example, I am thinking about a Russian soldier in Ukraine who has been accused of a crime by someone currently in Scotland. Would this provision enable or facilitate their removal to Scotland? How would that happen?