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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 10 March 2025
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Displaying 1497 contributions


Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

I think that there will be an opportunity to address that if children’s services are transferred into the national care service. I am aware of the history of kinship care allowances and of different local authorities paying different rates and allowances.

Kinship care might be transferred into the national care service, with ministers having accountability. We envisage that the NCS will set standards and that national frameworks should be implemented at a local level by directly funded care boards. One key aim of the NCS is to end postcode lotteries across a number of areas, as we have spoken about today. That will bring consistency in areas where there should be consistency, such as financial assistance for kinship carers.

The short answer to your question is yes. We think that the proposals should help to ensure consistency in care allowances across the piece, rather than having the current situation in which different local authorities pay different rates. I appreciate that that can cause frustration.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

I am very familiar with that narrative. The bill gives us the opportunity to get consistency across the country. We have worked closely with kinship carers and have heard their concerns. This is one area in which we would have an opportunity to have national consistency for carers.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

Children and young people are right at the heart of co-designing the service. It is really important that their voices are at the table, and we have been doing a lot of work with children and young people in that respect. We have been hearing from a lot of hard-to-reach voices, disability organisations, children’s disability representatives and so on to ensure that those voices are right at the heart of the co-design. That is important, no matter whether children’s services are included in the national care service, and the voices of the parents and carers of those children need to be heard, too.

It runs almost counter to some of the arguments that I have heard that we should not be looking at children’s services when we have not decided whether they should be in the national care service, but the fact is that we have to design a national care service that will be able to provide such services for children if that decision is taken, to ensure that they are not an afterthought and that we are not doing things retrospectively. As I have said, their voices must be very much at the table.

There are difficulties with recruitment and retention in adult social care services and, indeed, in children’s services, but those difficulties are not unique to Scotland. There are multifaceted reasons why people leave adult and children’s social care services. Some people have returned home after Brexit. It has been difficult to recruit and retain those staff, but we continue to support social care services to ensure that we have the staff.

I can give some examples of the work that we are doing to support recruitment across social care services—

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

Mr Stewart has already talked about the phased approach to the NCS, and the approach to children’s services will be similar if they are to be included.

We need to maintain strong links right across all the services that work with children, whether they be within or outwith the national care service. I touched on that a little when, in answer to Mr Greer’s question about education and early learning and childcare, I said that we needed to ensure that such links were built strongly. However, we already have the underpinning of our getting it right for every child policy, which committee members will be familiar with. Everyday working for our health, social care and education staff is well embedded in all those services and gives a good, strong foundation for working across disciplines and services in the best interests of each child.

Our current work will help inform us as we move forward, regardless of whether children’s services form part of the national care service. Included in that work are the research that CELCIS is carrying out and our engagement with children and young people on what they need from a national care service, what they have asked us for, what they have told us is not working well for them and how they would like services to work better for them—which is essentially what this process is about.

We all recognise that improvements have to be made right across children’s services. As with adult services, they experience postcode lotteries, and they also encounter difficulties when they cross local authority boundaries, because one local authority might provide service X while the other does not. We will endeavour to continue our work to improve children’s services; indeed, we have already done a lot of work in that respect. For example, we have introduced the Promise, which Iona Colvin referred to; we have established the whole family wellbeing fund; and, just a short while ago, we launched the new GIRFEC practice guidance.

In short, a lot of work has been done, but we are not standing still, regardless of whether children’s services will be included in the NCS.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

If the decision is to move children’s services to the national care service, those services will move, too. If you—

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

I cannot give you an exact figure just now.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

Mr Stewart has given you an answer, but I can give you the overall headcount for children’s social services.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

That is a very fair and reasonable question to ask. Every MSP around the table will probably have had experience of constituency cases in which families and children have approached them with similar difficulties, concerns and worries. Those issues were certainly raised during the consultation and in the conversations that Mr Stewart has been having with children and young people, and I absolutely recognise those concerns.

Integration has worked well in some areas and provides some excellent services. I do not want to sound as though I am criticising the staff who work in those services—they have gone above and beyond, particularly in the past couple of years—but I think that this is evidence of why we need national consistency, minimum standards, a charter that sets out the rights that people can claim and those voices at the table when we co-design services. We need to ensure that there are no boundaries to accessing services and that we have consistency so that people who move from one local authority area to another can expect the same level of service.

Unfortunately, the things that those children and young people have experienced are not uncommon; they were certainly a driving force behind the independent review of adult social care, and they have lent a voice to the suggestion that children’s services be included.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

I disagree. We are taking a very measured approach to whether children’s services should be included in the national care service. We are looking at the evidence, consulting stakeholders, consulting the people who are using care services at the moment and helping them to co-design what could be the children’s element of a national care service.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 23 November 2022

Clare Haughey

We will look not only at what the research tells us but at what stakeholders and the people involved in the service will tell us. It is important that we do not look at things in isolation.

Mr Stewart and I have talked about co-design, and it is vital that we listen to those who use care services and hear their opinions on what the service for children should look like. As I said in response to Ms Maguire, all of this evidence gathering and consultation will not go to waste if it turns out that children’s services are not to be included in the NCS. Instead, it will help us to drive forward change that is needed and wanted and that will best suit the needs of children and their families.