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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 11 March 2025
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Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Complex Mesh Surgical Service

Meeting date: 16 May 2023

Clare Haughey

Sandesh Gulhane has a supplementary question.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

Thank you very much for your statement, minister.

You mentioned further engagement that will be carried out over the summer. Can you be a bit more precise about that? Can you give the committee an idea of the expected timeline for that engagement, who you are looking to engage with and when you expect to have completed that part of the exercise?

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

We will move to Tess White next.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

We will move on to the impact of the delay on current services. Carol Mochan has some questions on that theme.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Powers of Attorney Bill

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

I thank the minister for her answer.

As no other members of the committee have any questions, I thank the witnesses for their attendance.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

That concludes the public part of our meeting.

10:27 Meeting continued in private until 11:06.  

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

It sounds as though you are almost separating that out from public consultation-type of events and further discussions with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and the trade unions. Are you considering having further discussions or consultations with other parties? I am thinking of social care providers.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

You said that you anticipate that you will publish reports in September or later in the autumn. I assume that some of those reports will be slightly later if some of the events are being held in September.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

I am sure that the committee welcomes that reassurance. As you say, we have other work that we need to plan for.

Emma Harper will pick up on the theme of the nature of the planned work.

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 1 Timetable)

Meeting date: 9 May 2023

Clare Haughey

We move to Evelyn Tweed.