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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 12 March 2025
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Displaying 1454 contributions


Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

That was very helpful—it was good to get that on the record. [Interruption.]

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

On the wider policy landscape, we expect the Scottish Government to announce a review of the role of large-scale incinerators in Scotland’s waste hierarchy soon. Should we slam the brakes on new large-scale incinerators being built? Should we have a national moratorium? What would you like to see in the policy review that will be announced shortly?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

Yes—about cybersecurity.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

Police Scotland has said:

“We know criminals will exploit any opportunity for their own gain and COP26 will be no different.”

Ahead of COP26, the Scottish Business Resilience Centre is advising businesses to take steps to protect themselves physically and online. As part of national discussions about resilience, is SEPA giving advice around the table, so that we can learn the lessons and apply them quickly, ahead of COP26?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

The discussion so far has been fascinating. Indeed, I have had the privilege of taking part in some Zoom events with climate assembly members and I have met some of the children involved here in the Parliament.

I have so many questions to ask, but I suppose that I have to start somewhere. I was struck by Jocelyn Richard’s earlier comment that people want to do the right things and that we need to tackle climate change in a way that is fair to everyone. Can you give me a sense of some of the barriers that were discussed by the assembly? I know that the 100 or so people involved in the assembly came from different backgrounds but, aside from education and perhaps knowledge, what other barriers are people facing in making these behavioural changes? How concerned are people about the affordability of some of the proposals and the possible impact on people who are already experiencing, for example, fuel poverty, which has been mentioned?

Perhaps Jocelyn Richard can start. I am happy for others to answer, too.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

Thank you, Jocelyn. I wonder whether Katie Reid has anything to add from the children’s perspective. I remember a previous chat that we had when I learned that some of the children who came to Parliament had never been on public transport before and that politicians are in danger of making assumptions about people’s living standards and knowledge. How do we ensure that everyone can play their part in tackling climate change and that issues such as poverty and lack of awareness are not holding young people back?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

I was just briefly reflecting on how, when we met some young people at the Parliament, some of them said that that had been the first time they had been on a train, and I suggested that we often make assumptions about people’s living standards and backgrounds. How do we ensure that this activity is really inclusive and that all children can participate? We have talked about the importance of education, but what else can we do?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

Good morning to the minister and his officials.

The policy is very welcome, but what is the Government’s response to the everyone aboard campaign, which is led by the Poverty Alliance and supported by 120 organisations and seeks to expand this scheme to everyone under 25 and people in receipt of benefits? Is that the direction of travel that the Government wants to go in? At what point will the scheme be reviewed after it comes into force next January?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Committee Priorities

Meeting date: 28 September 2021

Monica Lennon

We are all concerned about biodiversity loss. I have heard that organisations are concerned about the loss of expert biodiversity officers and staff from local government. Are you aware of that? Is the workforce available to advise local government on biodiversity declining? If not, what can be done to address that?

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

New Petitions

Meeting date: 22 September 2021

Monica Lennon

Yes. I thank colleagues for their considered thoughts. Tess White helpfully mentioned work that is being done on suicide prevention and distress brief interventions. For young people, I am troubled that CAMHS waiting lists are at their highest-ever level. To say, “Well, it’s a pandemic,” is not a good enough answer; we need to know what plans are in place.

Today’s discussion has been important, because people are contacting the Parliament to look for action and support. As I said, we are talking not about sympathy and warm words but about how we deliver system change. If the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee has an interest, too, that will be welcome. I appreciate this committee’s insight and interest today.