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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 21 December 2024
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Displaying 251 contributions


COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement

Meeting date: 13 January 2022

Alex Rowley

I re-emphasise the point that Murdo Fraser has made. If we have information demonstrating that people who are vaccinated are much better protected and that the people ending up in hospital are those who are not vaccinated, it is important that we share that.

I want to focus on two areas regarding the latest figures on vaccination. First, our advisers have pointed out to us that there is a tendency for the uptake of the booster to rise with age. However, there seems to be a dip in the number of over-80s who have had the booster. One reason for that might be that many of those people are housebound. What do you think of that? What are you going to do about it?

Likewise, the Scottish Parliament information centre tells us that the uptake of the booster is generally good across the country, but it is poorer in the cities. Glasgow is at 52.6 per cent and Edinburgh is at 59 per cent, whereas the islands are up in the 80s and Fife is in the 70s. There seems to be an issue with take-up. Do you acknowledge that? If so, what are you doing about it?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 23 December 2021

Alex Rowley

What is the Government’s current thinking on self-isolation? I note that, in England, a shorter period of self-isolation with two lateral flow tests has been introduced.

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 23 December 2021

Alex Rowley

That information would be useful. I am grateful to Mr Swinney for agreeing to check Scottish Hazards’ funding.

I want to make a couple of points about vaccination. In one European country, there is talk of compulsory vaccination. I am certain that none of us would advocate that. However, do we need to do more, given the evidence that we took a few weeks ago? For example, representatives of the Polish community made the point that, back in Poland, there is a reluctance to take up vaccination; indeed, I think that it is one of the countries that are considering compulsory vaccination. Do we need to focus more specifically on those communities and areas that have much lower take-up rates? Does the Government have any plans to do that? One suggestion was that the Government could work with those communities and include people from them in the vaccination teams. Could you comment on that?

Up until the latest variant came along, we thought that we were doing really well and were making brilliant progress, and that it was all a question of looking to the recovery. However, we have seen how quickly a new variant of the virus can completely throw us off kilter, set us back and do real damage.

When nobody is safe until everyone is safe, people have continually asked over the past year what influence the Scottish Government has and what influence it could bring to bear to encourage the UK Government to encourage Governments all over the world to get the vaccine roll-out happening. It is clear that we could do everything that we are doing now and everyone could make all the sacrifices that they are making, but that a new variant could emerge in some country where there is no vaccination, and that would put us back to square 1. Although it is absolutely in our interests to encourage vaccine roll-out, I am not sure how much influence we have, as a devolved Administration, in that regard.

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 23 December 2021

Alex Rowley

Thank you.

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 23 December 2021

Alex Rowley

I think that we will come back to that question. If there are exemptions in place, it would be useful to have some detail on how that works. I saw a press release from Jackie Baillie last night making the point that it is about the pressure on our key front-line services—health and social care, in particular. Any updates on that would be appreciated.

I turn to a couple of other quick points. Following her announcement, the First Minister was asked a question by Jackie Dunbar that came up a lot the previous time that we had restrictions. It was about supporting employees who believe that they should be working from home—and who were working from home last time—and encouraging employers to make that possible.


In her answer, the First Minister mentioned trade unions—for employees who are trade union members—but she also highlighted the work of Scottish Hazards, which has been excellent throughout the pandemic. I have sent quite a number of people who were looking for advice and support its way. Will the Deputy First Minister ensure that organisations such as Scottish Hazards continue to be funded to be able to meet the increased demand that is placed on them?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 23 December 2021

Alex Rowley

My question is probably for Professor Leitch. The booster gives us the protection that we need, as has been shown. However, I cannot help but note that Israel has now introduced a fourth jag; I think that it is a second booster. Is such a thing permanently under review? What progress is being made in considering whether, and when, people who are more vulnerable may need another booster? As we go into the new year, will we need more vaccinations next year?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Alex Rowley

In my view, the UK Government is almost trying to create the false myth that we are in a situation in which it is public health versus the economy, but the economy will collapse if public health gets completely overrun by the omicron variant.

I suggest to you that it is not good enough for the Scottish Government to simply say that the UK Government is not making the finances available. The UK Government becomes more discredited by the day. Therefore, surely we in Scotland should expect the Scottish Government to stand up to the UK Government and to make it clear that we cannot continue in the way that we are going. Right now, certain sections of our economy will, one way or another, end up being shut down. If we do not move first, our national health service will be overwhelmed as we go into the new year.

I urge you to be much more forceful, and I hope that Wales and Northern Ireland will do the same, because we seem to have a Prime Minister in Downing Street who has his fingers crossed, hoping for the best, and who is not following the clear science that is coming out.


COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Alex Rowley

Yes, it highlights why there is an overwhelming case for greater borrowing powers.

For a number of months, I have urged the Deputy First Minister to consider putting in a task force region by region to look at social care. As I have raised previously, I do not have the confidence that there is the management capacity in health and social care partnerships to address the issues. In the past week or so, I have met a number of social care providers, and the challenges and difficulties that they face are quite horrific.

There needs to be a clearer strategy on recruitment and retention. I was very disappointed when the budget was announced last week, because it is clear from all the evidence that not paying the right rate for the job is a key issue in relation to the recruitment and retention of social care workers. I know that Mr Swinney will speak about Brexit and free movement, but the providers that I have talked to do not highlight that as the key issue. It is an issue, but the key issue that we have to resolve is that we are not paying the right rate for the job.

Does Mr Swinney accept that, if it was a male-dominated sector, we would not be in this situation where people are not being paid the right rate for the job? Will he accept that, if we are going to tackle the so-called social care issues, we have to pay people the right rate for the job?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Coronavirus (Discretionary Compensation for Self-isolation) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Alex Rowley

So far, most of the people from whom we have taken evidence on the bill agree that it is the right way to go and that our national health service would be overwhelmed otherwise.

I will ask about the self-isolation support grant. People will not be able to comply with self-isolation rules if they cannot afford to feed their families or pay the rent or mortgage. Are you confident that there are enough resources in the self-isolation support grant? Has any analysis been done of who is and is not accessing it? Has any analysis been done of the promotion of the grant and how the information is getting out? Are the eligibility criteria suitable, given the numbers of people who are being asked to isolate?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Ministerial Statement and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Alex Rowley

If management lacks the capacity to address the issue, there is a serious problem. Are you confident that health and social care partnerships throughout the country have the management capacity and ability to address a situation that is turning into a deep crisis and is getting worse by the week?