The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 905 contributions
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 June 2022
David Torrance
Considering the position of COSLA and the fact that the Scottish Government has no plans to review the processes, I think that we have no option but to close the petition under rule 15.7 of standing orders.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 June 2022
David Torrance
Good morning. In his evidence, Dr Spencer Netto highlighted how successful Shouldice hospital had been with natural tissue repairs, which have resulted in a low recurrence of hernias. How do pre-operative preparation and post-operative care for hernia repair surgery in Scotland differ from the steps undertaken in that hospital?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 June 2022
David Torrance
The example of Shouldice hospital demonstrates the success of a specialised hernia repair unit. Would it be possible to have such a centre in Scotland, taking into account the criteria that would need to be met in order to have such a success rate?
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 31 May 2022
David Torrance
I probably know the answer to this question, but I want to get it on the record. If we are to focus on the inequalities in the health and wellbeing of children and young people that have been caused by the pandemic, taking into account the capacity of the system, where should we focus first in order to get the best results?
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 31 May 2022
David Torrance
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 31 May 2022
David Torrance
Good morning, panel. The pandemic has been extremely disruptive to children and young people at a time in their lives when they might have expected stability. What are the long-term impacts of the pandemic likely to be in relation to children and young people, and in particular those affected by health inequality? I ask Ed Pybus to respond to that first.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 18 May 2022
David Torrance
Good morning, Mr Lyon. The lack of engagement with local communities on the future of air traffic control in the areas concerned caused real problems. Why was there a lack of engagement? Can you assure us that, if anything is going to change in the future strategy for the area, you will engage with the communities?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 18 May 2022
David Torrance
Why were HIAL staff and recognised trade unions not involved in the development of the air traffic management strategy from the outset? How do you intend to involve staff in the development of any future strategies? Would that not have helped industrial relations?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 18 May 2022
David Torrance
I agree with the suggestion.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 18 May 2022
David Torrance
We should write to the Scottish Government to ask whether it intends to take any further action to collect and evaluate information on the use of judicial discretion under section 19A of the Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973 to disapply time limits for bringing legal proceedings in certain actions and what action that might be.