The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 905 contributions
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 14 November 2023
David Torrance
Good morning, witnesses. Can you provide an overview of the strength of the association between nicotine, brain development and mental health problems? Who would like to go first?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
Yes, a bit like Laurel and Hardy—?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
Considering the responses that we have had from the Government, I suggest that we write to the Minister for Energy and the Environment to recommend that guidance is produced to clarify how falconers can practise in licensed activities; the areas in which there is not a high density of mountain hare; and what action to take if a bird accidentally takes a mountain hare.
I also suggest that we write to Police Scotland to ask how reports of mountain hare being taken in areas of low density will be recorded and how that information will be shared with NatureScot and falconers.
Further, I suggest that we write to NatureScot to ask how it will monitor reports from Police Scotland and whether it will work to produce maps for falconers to indicate which areas are considered suitable for birds of prey to fly within. If NatureScot intends to produce maps, we could ask how it intends to evaluate and update the information in the light of reports from Police Scotland.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
I ask the committee to consider writing to the University of Glasgow, seeking further information about the evaluation of the equally safe at school strategy, as noted in Rape Crisis Scotland’s submission, including details about the scope of the evaluation and its expected timescale for reporting. We could also write to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to ask for an update on the work of the gender equality task force in education and learning to establish what educational resources exist that cover gender inequality. The committee could also ask for an indication of what the task force’s next steps will be when it completes its work.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
On the evidence before us, convener, we have no option but to close the petition under rule 15.7 of standing orders, on the basis that the Scottish Government has stated that it does not support an additional fast-track route specifically for people with cancer, because its approach will not prioritise any single condition over another.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
Considering the responses that we have received and, as you mentioned, the progress that we have made, would the committee consider closing the petition under rule 15.7 of standing orders, on the basis that the uptake of BSL awards at SCQF level 3 to 6 is increasing; the number of primary schools providing BSL as an L3 language is also increasing; the Scottish Government does not believe that the steps that the petition seeks are required; and it has consulted on the British Sign Language national plan for 2023 to 2029?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
Thank you, convener—
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
Good morning, minister and panel members. Is the Scottish Government considering amending section 66 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 to remove the need for a young person to still be in care on their 16th birthday to access support and to remove the age limit of 26 for accessing aftercare?
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
Given the Scottish Government’s stance, yes. I wonder whether the committee would consider closing the petition under rule 15.7 of standing orders, on the basis that the Scottish Government has no plans to write off previous student loans for those who commenced their paramedic science degree before the introduction of the bursary in 2021.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
Meeting date: 8 November 2023
David Torrance
In light of the evidence that we have, the committee could close the petition under rule 15.7 of standing orders, on the basis that the Scottish Government has committed to reviewing the law on abortion to ensure that it is, first and foremost, a healthcare matter rather than one of criminal law, and that it intends to publish proposals for reform before the end of the current parliamentary session in 2026. If that approach is agreed, I would remind the petitioner that they are entitled to bring the petition back to the committee if the Scottish Government does not do that.