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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 31 March 2025
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Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

Minister, you said in your opening comments that we are “on course”, but, looking at the figures, I do not think that we are. We are way behind. We are five years into the programme and eight years on from the start of the review, but we are just talking about setting up these bodies and having these plans. Surely you cannot say that we are on course.

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

Minister, on secure units, the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland wrote to you on 20 February. She was very concerned about what was described to her as “cobbled together provision” because of insufficient capacity in the system. She also highlighted a “two-tier system” in that, if you go through the courts, you are likely to get a place, but if you go through the hearings system, you are not.

In the commissioner’s letter, she asked you three questions ahead of your meeting with her on 13 March. Are you able to give us the details of the answers to those questions? Do you want me to go over what the questions were?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

She asked:

“How many children in each of the last six months have been unable to be placed in secure care when a hearing authorised the placement and a CSWO determined that it was necessary?”

That was the first question. Do you want to deal with that one first, and then I can come to the other ones?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

But that has not happened.

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

All of those things were possible because unexpected things are possible, but you promised us that that would not be an issue and it has been. You must have contingencies and additional capacity to cope with the unexpected, so why was that not put in place?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

Minister, you will have seen or heard, or read, the evidence that some third sector organisations gave to us about the 15-minute timetable. The clear indication from them was that that was all that those young people were getting—just the 15 minutes—in some cases.

Did you speak to those charities to find out more about their evidence?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

The Promise

Meeting date: 26 March 2025

Willie Rennie

At the moment?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

University of Dundee

Meeting date: 19 March 2025

Willie Rennie

You said that there was an “imbalance” between research and teaching. Most of this morning’s discussions have been about how you reduce options on the curriculum and other areas on the teaching side. Can you give us more detail on how you will rebalance that on the research side?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

University of Dundee

Meeting date: 19 March 2025

Willie Rennie

What is the timescale for that?

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

University of Dundee

Meeting date: 19 March 2025

Willie Rennie

Is that the ones from before the university reported to you its difficulties?