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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 10 March 2025
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Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 22 November 2022

Edward Mountain

Agenda item 3 is consideration of a piece of subordinate legislation. As the instrument has been laid under the negative procedure, its provisions will come into force unless the Parliament agrees a motion to annul it. At this stage, no motions to annul have been lodged.

Do members wish to make any comments on the instrument?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 22 November 2022

Edward Mountain

Does anyone else have any comments?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 22 November 2022

Edward Mountain

These are sensible regulations to put through, but there is nothing to stop us writing to the minister, saying that Mr Ruskell has raised these concerns, and seeing if we get a response. We could then monitor the issue in future, as the deputy convener suggests, to see whether the regulations have had an effect. Alerting the minister would be the way forward, and of course, the points are now in the Official Report.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 22 November 2022

Edward Mountain

If the committee is happy for me to do so, I will write to the minister to relay those points. My substantial question, though, is: are members happy not to make any further recommendations—or, indeed, any written recommendations—regarding the instrument and happy for it to go through?

Members indicated agreement.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Ferry Services Inquiry

Meeting date: 15 November 2022

Edward Mountain

Monica, did you want to come in here? I have a couple of questions that I want to ask, too.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Ferry Services Inquiry

Meeting date: 15 November 2022

Edward Mountain

I have to try to keep all my committee members happy by allowing them to ask as many questions as possible, which means that I implore them to ask short questions. I have to ask Martyn Gray and Gordon Martin for short answers so that I can get them all in. Everything that you say is critical, but if you can condense your answers, that will save me from having to deal with the committee afterwards.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Ferry Services Inquiry

Meeting date: 15 November 2022

Edward Mountain

Would our deputy convener like to come in on that point?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Ferry Services Inquiry

Meeting date: 15 November 2022

Edward Mountain

Okay. I will come to Monica Lennon in a minute, but I will continue on vessel 801. Part of the design of 801 is crew accommodation, which has been described as being vitally important. There has been mention—or there have been discussions—that vessels 801 and 802 might be double crewed in the future. However, there is no double-crew accommodation and single crewing might not allow for the crew who are on down time to have uninterrupted sleep, which means that it takes them longer to come back on duty. Is that the case? Do you have concerns about the ability of 801 and 802 to be double crewed?

You are on screen, Gordon, so we will start with you.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Decision on Taking Business in Private

Meeting date: 15 November 2022

Edward Mountain

Item 2 is to decide whether to take in private item 4, which is consideration of the evidence session that we will hear today as part of our inquiry into Scotland’s ferry services. Do we agree to take item 4 in private?

Members indicated agreement.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Ferry Services Inquiry

Meeting date: 15 November 2022

Edward Mountain

You are being extremely diplomatic, deputy convener. We were just discussing earlier this morning our having five more evidence-taking sessions, but I think that we would very much like to see the report, even if we cannot attend its launch. Thank you for the invitation, though.