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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 22 December 2024
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Rural Affairs and Islands Committee [Draft]

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 13 November 2024

Edward Mountain

I am talking about the figures in 2018 or 2009.

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee [Draft]

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 13 November 2024

Edward Mountain

This is where we are boxing over figures that we do not know.

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee [Draft]

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 13 November 2024

Edward Mountain

To clarify, recommendation 3 was about the “expansion of existing sites”, so it was about not allowing sites to get bigger—that was the recommendation. I take the cabinet secretary’s point about the industry doing a huge amount of work and all the work that you are doing behind the scenes, but deaths have doubled as a percentage—that is a fact.

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee [Draft]

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 13 November 2024

Edward Mountain

I would like to come back to that point. In 2018, the industry predicted problems with the diseases that we are seeing now—they were being talked about at that time, so we did know that the issue was happening. As farmers, we know that, for example, if there is an outbreak of pneumonia in a cattle shed, you do not just keep stocking the cattle shed. Rather, you do one of two things: you either vaccinate the calves against pneumonia or increase the ventilation in the shed. However, with regard to fish mortality, what is happening is that the industry is continuing to restock the same sites where there are problems.

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee [Draft]

Salmon Farming in Scotland

Meeting date: 13 November 2024

Edward Mountain

I accept the point that you make, but, according to the industry’s figures, we have gone from 7 per cent in the period from 2009 to 2012 to 25 per cent. You can talk about whether the numbers are more or less. My concern is that, if I had known where we were going to be five years later, I would have been one of those committee members who voted for a moratorium on expansion for the industry until the problems had been resolved.

I am not sure how there can be a disagreement about the figures that the industry itself is putting forward. Do we disagree that the level has gone from 7 per cent to 25 per cent?

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]

Appointment of the Scottish Land Commissioners and the Tenant Farming Commissioner

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Edward Mountain

Thank you. I would say that the agricultural law in Scotland is quite cluttered with numerous acts that have been amended. Some of those acts still relate to old-style tenancies, for lack of a better description, while others relate to newer-style tenancies and reviewed tenancies—and some will relate to even newer newer-style tenancies, if the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill goes through.

Can you tell me a little bit about your experience in that regard? Do you feel comfortable working under the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1991 and the Agriculture (Scotland) Act 1948, and subsequent acts? It is quite a role, which involves not quite mediation, but working between landlords and tenants.


Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]


Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Edward Mountain

Good morning, and welcome to the 33rd meeting in 2024 of the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee. I welcome our new member of the committee, Kevin Stewart, who replaces Jackie Dunbar. Jackie was one of the original members of the committee—she has been on it since it was formed in this parliamentary session. I know that all committee members would like me to put on the record our thanks for the way in which she has worked to help us to achieve our aim. As convener, I found her advice and her ability to work across parties extremely helpful.

As this is Kevin Stewart’s first time at the committee, I invite him to declare any relevant interests.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Edward Mountain

Item 3 is consideration of a draft statutory instrument, on which the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee has made no comment in its report. I welcome Kate Forbes, the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic, and the Scottish Government officials who join her: Michael McLeod, head of the marine nature enhancement programme and the joint environmental accelerator programme—that is a long title; and Stewart Cunningham, a solicitor in the marine planning and natural resources division of the legal directorate.

The draft instrument has been laid under the affirmative procedure, which means that it cannot come into force unless the Parliament approves it. Following the evidence session, the committee will be invited to consider the motion to recommend that the instrument be approved. I remind everyone that Scottish Government officials can speak under this item, but not under the next one.

I invite the Deputy First Minister to make a short opening statement.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Edward Mountain

I have given you a fair run, Mr Doris—one more question, and then I must move on to other committee members.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]

Appointment of the Scottish Land Commissioners and the Tenant Farming Commissioner

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Edward Mountain

Lucy Beattie, it is not complicated, is it? You are going to give your answer now.