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Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
It is worth noting that the arm’s-length external organisations are quite different across the country. I have experience of trying to drill down into such areas, so I know that it can be problematic. Ms Boyack has a final supplementary question.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
Mr Ruskell has one small very final question.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
That is helpful—thank you. I do not know whether your officials want to say anything on three-year funding.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
I have a supplementary question. Mr Robertson, you mentioned the round-table session that we had with smaller cultural organisations. It was a very diverse group of cultural organisations, many of which also work in the wellbeing area of community involvement. One thing that they pointed out was that other funders have been very dynamic in their response to Covid—they have been proactive in contacting organisations and keen to get help out the door. However, many of those cultural organisations feel that they are at a distance from Creative Scotland and do not have the same relationship with it. Will you ask Creative Scotland to reflect on that?
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
Do members also agree to take consideration of our pre-budget scrutiny report in private at future meetings?
Members indicated agreement.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
Item 2 is pre-budget scrutiny of culture sector funding. As part of its pre-budget scrutiny, the committee has been looking at the continuing impact of Covid-19 on the culture sector and its longer-term future. Today, the committee will hear from the Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture on the evidence that we have heard over the past month. The cabinet secretary will be joined by David Seers, head of sponsorship and funding, and Bettina Sizeland, deputy director for tourism and major events at the Scottish Government. We hope that the officials will join us at some point this morning.
I invite the cabinet secretary to make an opening statement.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
Thank you, cabinet secretary. The programme for government’s three-year funding commitment for core-funded organisations, which you mentioned in your opening remarks, has come through as a theme in all the work that we have done, including our discussion with community organisations. Will you say a little more about your vision in that respect? What difference will it make, and how will it impact on community-based organisations?
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
I want to make sure that I did not misrepresent the evidence that we took. The point that was made was not so much about different Government funding streams; it was about funding from other funders such as the Big Lottery Fund, the Robertson Trust and other bodies of that nature.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
Thank you. I will bring in Dr Allan.
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
Meeting date: 7 October 2021
Clare Adamson
Welcome to the seventh meeting of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee. Members might wish to note that Mr Golden is attending the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee this morning and will join us a little later.
Agenda item 1 is a decision on taking business in private. Are members content to take item 3 in private?
Members indicated agreement.