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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 11 March 2025
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Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

We had a couple of brief breaks in transmission during your response. I think that we have the gist of what you were saying, but you might want to come back and clarify. I think that we are okay in terms of understanding your point.

You mentioned some specific examples, which is always very helpful. There has been a lot of talk about farmers and seed potatoes in Scotland. That issue seems to be in a negotiation stage. Could you give us some specific examples of the types of products that may end up in this situation of uncertainty and, as things go forward, things that might happen to other goods?

Are you hearing us? That question was for Dr Melo Araujo.

I do not think that he can hear us. I am very sorry, but we are probably finished with our questions anyway.

I thank both our witnesses for their contribution and for the helpful briefings to the committee prior to the meeting. I will suspend the meeting for a brief break. Thank you.

10:01 Meeting suspended.  

10:06 On resuming—  

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

Good morning and welcome to the 12th meeting of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee. The committee is currently conducting an inquiry into the United Kingdom internal market. The aim of the inquiry is to consider the implications of the UK internal market for Scotland, including how devolution will work going forward. We have two panels this morning. In our first panel, we will hear from Seamus Leheny, Northern Ireland policy manager, Logistics UK; and Billy Melo Araujo, senior lecturer, school of law, Queen’s University Belfast. I welcome everyone to the meeting this morning.

We will move straight to questions and I have an opening question. Dr Melo Araujo, I will begin with your paper. You state that, even if Scotland continues to align with European Union law, it

“will not, however, remove regulatory barriers faced by Scottish business exporting to NI.”

Can you explain to the committee what that would mean for the competitiveness of Scottish businesses wishing to trade in Northern Ireland?

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

Mr Leheny, do you have any comments to make in response to Sarah Boyack’s questions? For example, do you have anything to say about the uncertainty that has been created?

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

The committee will now hear evidence from our second panel of witnesses on the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. I welcome Professor Jo Hunt, professor of law at Cardiff University; Professor Nicola McEwen, senior fellow in the UK in a Changing Europe initiative; and Professor Stephen Weatherill, emeritus Jacques Delors professor of European law at the University of Oxford. Professor Weatherill might be a bit late onboarding. No—he is here, so everybody is here.

I move straight to an opening question for Professor Weatherill. In your paper, you state:

“the EU’s internal market is designed to favour the claims of local regulatory autonomy over the claims of unimpeded trade significantly more than is the UK’s internal market.”

Professors Hunt and McEwen’s paper states:

“Whereas devolution prioritized political autonomy and the ability to do things differently, the UK Internal Market Act prioritises unfettered market access.”

Will you comment further on that?

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

On that note, I bring the session to an end. I thank all the witnesses for their attendance and for their helpful submissions to the committee.

Meeting closed at 11:22.  

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

I have a couple of final questions. Mr Leheny, you talked about the freight companies increasingly choosing to use the port at Cairnryan as a route from GB and the impact that that is having elsewhere. Do you have any concerns about capacity? Neither road route from Cairnryan, either to the south or to the north on the A77, is particularly good, but what are the capacity issues at the port? Are you concerned about that?

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

I will roll two issues into one question, because we are up against time. The internal market act did not receive consent from the Scottish Parliament, and I believe that a judicial review is on-going in Wales. How precarious is the situation, depending on the outcome of that court case?

We have talked a lot about the interparliamentary forum and ways of scrutinising. My understanding is that we have the power to scrutinise Scottish Government ministers’ actions in these areas but, as soon as executive power is used in a devolved area, we are not able even to call a UK Government minister to appear before a scrutinising committee of the Scottish Parliament. Should arrangements relating to security and transparency in such areas be formalised, perhaps through a change in the law? Even the interparliamentary forum is not yet a formal arrangement between the Parliaments. How could arrangements be firmed up to ensure that there is absolute certainty that the devolved nations can scrutinise in such areas?

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

United Kingdom Internal Market

Meeting date: 2 December 2021

Clare Adamson

Does Professor Weatherill want to come in?

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Scottish Government’s International Work

Meeting date: 25 November 2021

Clare Adamson

I thank our panel, Dr Hughes, Dr Marks and Professor Pittock. We have had an informative session. By way of information, we will be taking evidence on 16 December from Scotland House and the Brussels, London and Berlin hubs, to add to our inquiry. The committee has also undertaken to continue committee engagement with the presidency of the EU as it changes, as we did when we were a member state.

That concludes this morning’s session on our inquiry into the Scottish Government’s international work.

10:39 Meeting continued in private until 11:05.  

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Scottish Government’s International Work

Meeting date: 25 November 2021

Clare Adamson

There are a couple of additional questions. We are at the point in the meeting when I have to ask for concise questions and answers, if possible, please.