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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 18 March 2025
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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

Meeting date: 30 January 2024

Willie Coffey

That is very helpful.

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

The responsibility to deliver healthcare services for the prison population falls to that health board, rather than being flattened out across Scotland.

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

I presume that it is still at stage 4. That has not changed, has it?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

Your report mentions that Forth Valley’s high prison population has an impact on the health board’s ability to deliver financial savings. Why would the prison population have such a significant impact?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

On the 11 requirements and the nine other requirements—the 20 requirements in total—that have been placed on the health board, are you in a position to say whether it is now making good progress on them? Has it completed any of them, or is it still in the middle of the process? Where are we with the 20 specific requirements that HIS gave the board?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

We have HIS reports, we have the oversight group, we have the 12 recommendations in Professor Ritchie’s review of October 2022, we have the 50 recommendations in John Brown’s report, we have the escalation improvement plan and we have the measurement framework. Is the health board awash with report on top of report? Is that a factor?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

For many years, you and your predecessors have talked about service redesign and transformation, but here we are talking about those issues again. Do you get the sense that the recommendations that are made to health boards are about service redesign and transformation? Is that understood by health boards? Are they able to deliver the service redesign and transformation that we are talking about? Are you confident that they are making progress on that journey?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

In the section 22 report, you say that a report of

“an independent review of the board and Assurance Committee governance arrangements”


“due to be considered by the ... Board”

last November. Have you had sight of that report and its recommendations and conclusions?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

November was mentioned. Was that not a bit late in the day to arrive at the governance issues? Over the years, that has usually been the first port of call for the committee and members—that seems to be the starting point for a lot of these issues. How come that was brought so late to the table?

Public Audit Committee

Section 22 Report: “The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley”

Meeting date: 25 January 2024

Willie Coffey

I have a final question. I think that you said that 47 of the 51 recommendations have not yet been actioned. Is it reasonable to ask when we could expect the board to get through them? That is a huge number of recommendations on governance. What are we looking at—six months, or a year?