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All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 2095 contributions
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 28 September 2021
Willie Coffey
I lost a bit of the discussion earlier, so I apologise if I tread on old ground. There is a sense that our town centres, in particular, need to be much more than they are at present if we are to be successful in delivering a concept of place that includes sustainable community and safe and pleasant environments. What are the panel members’ views on that?
In a town such as Kilmarnock, which I represent, there are a number of properties—shops, pubs, buildings and pieces of land—that have, in effect, been abandoned by their owners. They are overgrown with weeds, have posters stuck to windows and stuff like that. In your view, does that issue play a part in the concept that we are trying to achieve? If it does, what can we do to overcome that problem? Does Craig McLaren or Tony Cain have a view on that aspect?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
Has there been any clarification of what we might be looking at in the near future?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
Good morning to the panel. I am hoping to ask for your views on the response to the pandemic in broader terms, and the student experience and so on. I will come to that, but first, before I forget, I will ask a question relating to Colleges Scotland’s submission on the potential impact of the shared prosperity fund. It is probably for Shona Struthers to respond to. What are the concerns about that fund not matching up to the previous European Union funding? Could you give us a flavour of what your concerns are in that area?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
That was a helpful contribution, Gillian. Thank you very much for that perspective.
To return to the question that I asked previously, do you think that the colleges are geared up for the changes in the economy that are being demanded at the moment? Other members must be hearing locally that there are a number of vacancies in a number of sectors, and the question is whether the colleges are adapting quickly enough to those circumstances. Audrey Cumberford gave us a good example of adapting very quickly to respond to vacancies in the NHS sector. Can you give us a flavour of how that is going around the country?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
I am the member for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley.
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
That is really encouraging to hear—thank you.
Convener, if there is a chance near the end, I would like to ask another couple of questions.
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
I have a question for Karen Watt. It is probably two years almost to the day since I asked you this same question about Ayrshire College and the recurring private finance initiative obligation of about £1.4 million each year that the college has hanging around its neck. Is there any possibility of a review of that situation so that Ayrshire College could perhaps enter a level playing field with all the other colleges, especially given the particularly difficult times that we are in post-Covid and post-Brexit?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
It would be good to hear from Matt Crilly to begin with on the broader issue of the response to the pandemic. What was the student experience during the pandemic and now, particularly with remote learning and the digital side? Did that throw up more gaps in opportunity and access for students and lecturers alike? Could you give us a flavour of what the experience has been?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 23 September 2021
Willie Coffey
A wider issue for us to pick up is whether that hybrid model will continue—it may well do—and whether we are equipping the students and lecturers with the right technology to enable them to take part in that.
I am interested in the skills issue as well, and maybe Audrey Cumberford and Shona Struthers could tell us a wee bit about that. You mentioned a good example where, I think, Edinburgh College managed to adapt very quickly to refocus students into the NHS sector, where there are many vacancies available. I am hearing that other members are hearing of vacancies in a number of sectors, particularly hospitality. Are the colleges adapting fast enough to the changing circumstances that have been brought about by a combination of Brexit and Covid to ensure that students are getting the opportunities that they need? Shona and Audrey, could you offer a comment or two about that, please?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 21 September 2021
Willie Coffey
Does Colin Wilson want to comment on that?