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All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 2095 contributions
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Good morning, Professor Gill and Professor Mullen. I want to ask about the new obligations and duties that the ombudsman has taken on board or, rather, been given. You referred to it as
“considerable institutional experimentation, with the addition of the Scottish Welfare Fund jurisdiction”,
and being the national whistleblowing officer for the national health service. When that sort of thing happens, where does the ombudsman draw expertise from in order to take on board that widening scope of investigation?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Thanks for that answer. You are basically saying that there is no real noticeable impact, positive or otherwise, of the additional burdens on the ombudsman service. That is what I wanted to ask, but I think that you mentioned that in your response.
Turning to budgets and financing, your submission also indicated that we need to properly support and fund the ombudsman service to perform its role effectively. We know that and we know about the significant pressures on public finances at the moment. How does the ombudsman’s budget of £6.7 million a year compare with that of other ombudsmen services that you know of? Is that a sufficient level of funding for the service to carry out its duties, albeit that they have been expanded, as you mentioned a moment ago?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
I will turn to the complaints model that was introduced in 2011. Since that time, the number of complaints has steadily risen. What is the evidence that the approach of bringing in that model has worked? Should we naturally expect the number of complaints to increase as a result of introducing a new model for complaints handling?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
We might come to that a bit later on, Professor Gill. Thank you very much for answering those questions.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Good morning. Paul Blaker and Peter Stewart-Blacker have raised issues about who deals with complaints about the ombudsman service. I imagine that that question will inevitably find its way into our discussion as we take the inquiry further.
For the moment, however, I want to ask about the ombudsman’s annual report and the significant increase in complaints that the ombudsman received in 2023-24 compared to the previous year—the number is up 33 per cent. What are the reasons for that increase? What trends do we see? In what areas of public service are more complaints coming in? I would be much obliged if you would share your thoughts on any of those issues, please.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Thanks for that extra information. Is it not the same for everybody, though? If someone is unhappy with an outcome, they could press the button and go down the legal route and so on. What distinguishes the experience that carers might have as opposed to anyone else who raises a complaint and is unhappy with the outcome?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 26 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Thanks for that. I am sure that the committee will be keen to take that on board as we do more work on the issue.
Economy and Fair Work Committee
Meeting date: 20 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Good morning, Derek—you are doing an absolutely magnificent job of explaining to the public in Scotland why the plant shouldnae shut and why it should continue. It all sounds to me like a rerun of the Gartcosh story in 1986 and the Ravenscraig story in 1992, in which a major strategic industry is removed from Scotland.
The explanations given now are basically the same as they were then, but this time the net zero transition is being held up as the main reason for this. Can you clarify where the refining capability will go during the transition? It is not stopping altogether. I imagine that it is being transferred elsewhere. Grangemouth could do 150,000 barrels a day, which is 54 million barrels a year. That demand will not just suddenly stop. Is that refining capability being transferred elsewhere during this so-called transition process? If that is the case, it is not a transition, it is an asset-stripping closure, is it not?
Economy and Fair Work Committee
Meeting date: 20 November 2024
Willie Coffey
I was on the marches at Gartcosh and Ravenscraig and the outcome was what we expected, wasn’t it?
I will focus on the transition. If we, in 2024, are on a pathway to a just transition, is it not fair, right and just that that transition completes at Grangemouth? That is why I was emphasising the point about refining continuing. If production capacity is just moved away from Grangemouth, that is hardly a just transition. If we reach a point at which society does not need 54 million barrels of oil a year, the transition will be complete, but Grangemouth should be involved in that process until we reach that point.
Economy and Fair Work Committee
Meeting date: 20 November 2024
Willie Coffey
Thank you. I wish you well.