The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 553 contributions
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
On that suggestion, do you have any practical examples of times in the past 10 to 20 years when such a provision could have been useful and would have allowed land to be used for crofting? Can you think of any examples off the top of your head? If you cannot, feel free to get back to us later.
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
Is that a concern on the basis of how the crofting land will be used over that 99-year period, if somebody enters into an agreement of that nature?
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
Andrew Thin, I will briefly take you back to threshold sizes. I assure you that I will not push the commission to say what the threshold should be, given that you have been clear that you do not want to do that—and I understand that. I will try to summarise your position—correct me if I am wrong. I take it that you feel that the threshold should be based in regulations, as opposed to being in the bill, in order to provide flexibility. Should the threshold size then be set at Donna Smith’s preferred position of 500 hectares, for example, and we found unintended consequences as a result, that would allow us to move relatively quickly to address those. It would be more complex to do that if the threshold size was in the bill, as amending that would require primary legislation. Is that a fair summary of your position?
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
Notwithstanding whether you think that there is a gap in governance, it would be fair to say that the review identified issues with governance in environmental matters and with access to justice in itself. On the basis of what you have said about the changes to access to justice arrangements that are being made, alongside ESS’s powers, are you satisfied that the existing governance arrangements are adequate? The review suggests that there could be further engagement to look at areas in which improvements could be made. If there is a need for further engagement, are there areas that you think should be prioritised?
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
I have a broader question about the 2021 act, which has been referred to in today’s evidence. That act does not require us to align with EU environmental regulations, but my recollection is that the Scottish Government’s stated position at the time was that it would continue aligning with those regulations, largely because there was concern about a potential rowing back on environmental standards. Is it still the Scottish Government’s stated position that we will align with EU environmental regulations and standards?
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
It is helpful to note that the unqualified position of the Scottish Government is that it will align with environmental regulations or standards that are set by the EU for its member states.
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
Good morning, and welcome to the 37th meeting in 2024 of the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee. The convener has sent his apologies, and I will convene the meeting in his absence.
Agenda item 1 is a decision on taking business in private. Do members agree to take in private item 4, which is consideration of the evidence heard on environmental governance, and item 5, which is consideration of the evidence heard on the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill?
Members indicated agreement.
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
I bring in Monica Lennon as she is interested in the issue of scale.
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
I understand that the UK Government published its report and response last month.
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 10 December 2024
Michael Matheson
There is nothing wrong with being a bit wary. Gary, do you have a view on this?