The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
The Official Report search offers lots of different ways to find the information you’re looking for. The search is used as a professional tool by researchers and third-party organisations. It is also used by members of the public who may have less parliamentary awareness. This means it needs to provide the ability to run complex searches, and the ability to browse reports or perform a simple keyword search.
The web version of the Official Report has three different views:
Depending on the kind of search you want to do, one of these views will be the best option. The default view is to show the report for each meeting of Parliament or a committee. For a simple keyword search, the results will be shown by item of business.
When you choose to search by a particular MSP, the results returned will show each spoken contribution in Parliament or a committee, ordered by date with the most recent contributions first. This will usually return a lot of results, but you can refine your search by keyword, date and/or by meeting (committee or Chamber business).
We’ve chosen to display the entirety of each MSP’s contribution in the search results. This is intended to reduce the number of times that users need to click into an actual report to get the information that they’re looking for, but in some cases it can lead to very short contributions (“Yes.”) or very long ones (Ministerial statements, for example.) We’ll keep this under review and get feedback from users on whether this approach best meets their needs.
There are two types of keyword search:
If you select an MSP’s name from the dropdown menu, and add a phrase in quotation marks to the keyword field, then the search will return only examples of when the MSP said those exact words. You can further refine this search by adding a date range or selecting a particular committee or Meeting of the Parliament.
It’s also possible to run basic Boolean searches. For example:
There are two ways of searching by date.
You can either use the Start date and End date options to run a search across a particular date range. For example, you may know that a particular subject was discussed at some point in the last few weeks and choose a date range to reflect that.
Alternatively, you can use one of the pre-defined date ranges under “Select a time period”. These are:
If you search by an individual session, the list of MSPs and committees will automatically update to show only the MSPs and committees which were current during that session. For example, if you select Session 1 you will be show a list of MSPs and committees from Session 1.
If you add a custom date range which crosses more than one session of Parliament, the lists of MSPs and committees will update to show the information that was current at that time.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 675 contributions
Education, Children and Young People Committee
Meeting date: 8 September 2021
Fergus Ewing
Thank you for that extremely helpful answer. I was interested in your reference to the comments that some parents have made, albeit that it is anecdotal evidence, because it absolutely accords with my impression of listening to parents. They say that their children are well able to express themselves with confidence, and perhaps with greater confidence than was the case when I was at school, although that was a very long time ago.
Education, Children and Young People Committee
Meeting date: 8 September 2021
Fergus Ewing
I was very pleased to hear Beatriz Pont’s very positive remarks about the confidence that is displayed by Scottish young people. That was a tremendously positive comment and is very encouraging. I am afraid that I have to echo Mr Dornan’s remarks—the remarks that another committee member made were inappropriate.
Education, Children and Young People Committee
Meeting date: 23 June 2021
Fergus Ewing
I have no relevant interests to declare, but I place it on the record that, although I no longer practise, I remain on the roll of solicitors that is held by the Law Society of Scotland.
Education, Children and Young People Committee
Meeting date: 23 June 2021
Fergus Ewing
Let me be the first to congratulate you, convener and Kaukab Stewart, on your roles. I am sure that we all look forward to working on the committee, which is important, as you said. I was extremely pleased to hear your undertaking to work in a non-partisan and inclusive fashion.
I seek clarification on one point. It has been 14 years since I had the honour of serving on a parliamentary committee. When I was deputy convener to the late Alex Fergusson on the then Rural Development Committee, his practice was that we, as convener and deputy convener, worked closely together—for example, I attended all the pre-meeting sessions with the clerks, along with Alex Fergusson, and I participated in administrative and other decisions about the committee’s work, including decisions about the terminology of correspondence and the setting of agendas. We never had a cross word. His chairmanship was exemplary and that committee worked in a collegiate fashion, with Elaine Murray from Labour and Mike Rumbles from the Liberals. That committee operated exactly in the way that you described, convener.
We all have our political views, but we want to lay those aside as far as we can for our work on the committee. Convener, will you confirm that your approach will be to work in partnership with Kaukab Stewart in the way that Alex Fergusson worked with me years ago?
Education, Children and Young People Committee
Meeting date: 23 June 2021
Fergus Ewing
Many thanks for those assurances.