The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 1088 contributions
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 14 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
Paragraph 73 states:
“SCTS measures the average time in summary cases between a plea being entered and the scheduled trial date. It measures from the point that the plea has been entered, and therefore does not include the time those involved in the case have been waiting prior to this.”
Has that length of time increased, or is it the same as it was before Covid?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 14 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
How does the Scottish Government plan to support the continued reduction of the criminal courts backlog beyond 2023-24?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 14 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
Okay. Paragraph 44 states:
“The Scottish Government has committed to providing over £40 million of ongoing Covid-19 … funding … to continue addressing the criminal courts backlog.”
Is that funding still committed for that purpose? Is it still available?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 14 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
Okay. What impact has the switching of resources from summary courts to solemn courts, through the court recovery programme, had on the backlog of solemn cases and summary cases?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 14 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
How does the SCTS get the baseline figure? How does it reach that?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 7 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
What impact, if any, has the joint budget review on matters related to climate change had on the Scottish Government’s governance and risk management arrangements for meeting its net zero targets and adaptation outcomes?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 7 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
How is the Scottish Government improving performance monitoring and reporting in order to provide assurance on progress towards meeting the net zero goals and adapting to climate change?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 7 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
At what point do the DGs have involvement in announcements? The First Minister’s programme for government was announced on Tuesday. What involvement do you have in such announcements? I was looking at what the programme for government says about housing, which has a huge carbon footprint. Therefore, there is an announcement for an investment of £750 million to support the delivery of affordable homes. There is also £25 million to provide homes for key workers, and we are investing £60 million to acquire empty properties for use as affordable homes.
I do not know whether the £25 million and the £60 million are included in the figure of £750 million, but, before those announcements are made, do you have involvement in what the carbon footprint would be? Do all the directors general get together to discuss that and are there minutes of all the meetings?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 7 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
What is the Scottish Government doing to better align climate change governance groups with one another and with wider corporate governance arrangements?
Public Audit Committee
Meeting date: 7 September 2023
Sharon Dowey
I have more governance questions, but I will come back in with those later.