All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 1566 contributions
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
With the exception of one small question, my questions have largely been answered. I noticed that, in the data—forgive me if I am misreading this—there are assumptions that there will be no increases in the winter heating payment or child winter heating assistance and that there will be less spending on best start grants. Can you say anything about what led to those assumptions?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
We could ask about that. Do you know why Social Security Scotland made that decision?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
Good morning, and thank you for your opening statement, Mr Wallace. We have heard a bit this morning about data collection, but Audit Scotland says in its report that there are inherent uncertainties about staffing. Will you explain what they are and what you are doing on staffing? Do you expect some of the spending reductions that were announced recently to have an impact on the staffing levels in Social Security Scotland?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
I appreciate that.
We heard from the Scottish Fiscal Commission some information about data collection. What plans do you have to collect data on average payments and the payment flows? I know that there will be a transition period but, going into next year, what plans do you have to collect that data? Do you plan to publish it?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
Let us hope that Santa can deliver.
Having online capability to check was probably one of the few things that people liked about the universal credit system. Is there a reason why you did not build that in from the start, or does it go back to the agile methodology problem?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
I appreciate that. Can you describe the sort of organised crime that you are talking about?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
That is fair.
Professor Roy, on the data points that you raised, has Social Security Scotland said that it will be able to collect that data?
09:45Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
Are there any obvious differences that you already know about between the data that is collected by the DWP and the data that is collected by Social Security Scotland, other than those that we have just discussed?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
That is helpful. Thank you.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 22 December 2022
Pam Duncan-Glancy
At the moment, is the Fiscal Commission relying mainly on data that is published or data that you are making available to it privately?