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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 9 March 2025
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Displaying 596 contributions


Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Meeting date: 3 February 2022

Emma Roddick

Thanks, convener.

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Meeting date: 3 February 2022

Emma Roddick

On the legislative consent motion that has been lodged this week, Scotland has established age assessment practices that are carried out by trained social work professionals in line with the getting it right for every child approach. What is your view on the UK Government’s proposals on reforming age assessment processes? I will put that question to others, as we are looking for a UK vision.

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 January 2022

Emma Roddick

Which DLA claimants are being moved first?

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 January 2022

Emma Roddick


Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 January 2022

Emma Roddick

I will not be the only person who is already getting casework from people with active disability living allowance claims who are confused about whether they should be applying for CDP and are hoping to end their DLA claim as soon as possible. How does the minister plan to communicate to current DLA claimants the potential dangers around stopping a current claim to move to the CDP faster? Do you have any guidance on how long people can expect to wait to be moved across?

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 January 2022

Emma Roddick

I thank the minister for all the detail in that response. What criteria are being used to prioritise moves from DLA to CDP? Is there anything that people can do to speed up the process themselves?

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Budget Scrutiny 2022-23

Meeting date: 13 January 2022

Emma Roddick

I am hearing from the cabinet secretary about one of the failings of the hybrid social security system. Does that highlight a failure of the devolution settlement overall and, ultimately, the need for more powers in Scotland?

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Budget Scrutiny 2022-23

Meeting date: 13 January 2022

Emma Roddick

I was looking at the details of the ADP. Can you give us more information on what will happen if the UK Government changes the rules and there is less money available through the fiscal framework?

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Adult Disability Payment

Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Emma Roddick

I notice as well that your submission says that the retention of a points-based system is something for the independent review to consider. Would you expect it to agree that a points-based system for determining need is appropriate and, if not, what would you propose instead?

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Adult Disability Payment

Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Emma Roddick

I notice that concerns have been raised about how those who are above pension age might be affected by moving to ADP. There may be a theme emerging there around different age benefits and the issues that come with transferring. Ed Pybus and Judith Paterson, should disabled people of different ages have different eligibility criteria or different benefits and should that be looked at at a UK level?