The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 4578 contributions
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 12 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
I am interested in how the FHI is integrating its evidence on the impact of climate change on mortality rates, which we have started to touch on. The mortality rate has been extremely high on many farms recently. The two worst-performing farms, both at Gigha, recently completed production cycles with a total mortality rate of over 80 per cent. The Coastal Communities Network has calculated, from SEPA’s figures, that 17.5 million farmed salmon died at sea in 2022 and that a million more died in hatcheries.
Recommendation 10 in the RECC report is that
“there should be a process in place which allows robust intervention by regulators when serious fish mortality events occur. ... this should include appropriate mechanisms to allow for the limiting or closing down of production until causes are addressed.”
Recommendation 9 is that
“no expansion should be permitted at sites which report high or significantly increased levels of mortalities, until these are addressed to the satisfaction of the appropriate regulatory bodies.”
I am interested in hearing from you whether it is correct that those recommendations have not been implemented yet.
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 12 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
Just one person goes to do that?
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 12 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
Good morning. Thanks for joining us.
My understanding is that the number of sea lice per fish was set at six in order to protect farmed fish, but one of our concerns is our wild salmon. I understand that the count on those fish is 12 times higher than the figure in the industry code of good practice—which has been exceeded by 30 farms in recent weeks—and that it is 30 times higher than Norway’s mandatory level on all farms in the spring. Apparently, Norway culls fish on farms where the level of 0.2 lice per fish is exceeded in the spring, in order to protect wild salmon. What are your thoughts on that? The recommendations in the report were also partly about protecting Scotland’s wild salmon.
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 12 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
Is there something that we need to do—such as introduce a regulation order—to protect the wild salmon better than we are doing already, if you are bound in a particular box by the 2007 act?
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 12 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
So, in your role as the fish health inspectorate, you do not see that you need to be aware of the issue to do with wild fish or to take action.
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 12 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
How many fish are inspected?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 11 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
I am talking about the overall picture.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 11 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
Willie Coffey has some questions on the theme of rent.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 11 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
So, we are in a limiting context and are trying to create something that will meet people’s needs for a safe, secure and affordable place within those constraints.
Does anyone else want to respond on the issue of whether the bill delivers on those aims?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 11 June 2024
Ariane Burgess
Thank you, Mark. I will briefly suspend the meeting to allow for a change of witnesses.
11:07 Meeting suspended.