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All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
If, at some point, we want to set up a cadastral system, is the system robust enough to go to that level?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
The point the Councillor Heddle made, which the minister also touched on, is about getting streamlined around the indicators and looking at local government benchmark frameworks as being the gold standard. That leads to my next question. How do you think that partners should tackle the challenge of LOIPs aligning with other strategic plans, and how do partners connect their CPP duties with other areas of responsibility such as integration joint boards and locality planning? Councillor Heddle also mentioned children’s services planning. Perhaps I will start with Councillor Heddle and then come to the minister.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
Absolutely, and welcome. I do not know who to call on, though.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
Yes. I would be interested to hear how you think partners should tackle the challenge of LOIPs aligning with other strategic plans and how you think that they can connect their CPP duties with other areas of responsibility such as IJBs, locality planning and children’s services planning?
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
You can write to us and let us know.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
You are on mute at the moment. We will get your microphone on for you.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
We will move on to our next theme, which is community empowerment. Mark Griffin is leading on that.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
The next item on our agenda is to take evidence on the community planning inquiry. This is the final evidence session before we reflect on all the evidence that we have heard in recent months and consider what conclusions we might draw from it. A final report will then go from the committee to the Scottish Government.
We are joined for this session by Joe FitzPatrick, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning. Mr FitzPatrick is joined by Scottish Government officials Andrew Connal and David Milne, who are both team leaders in public service reform and community planning.
We are joined online by Councillor Steven Heddle, who is vice-president of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities. Councillor Heddle is joined, also online, by Simon Cameron, chief officer, and Lucy Devlin, policy assistant, of the workforce and corporate policy team of COSLA. I welcome all our witnesses this morning.
We will try to direct our questions to a specific witness where possible, but if you would like to come in, please indicate so to the clerks. Councillor Heddle, you can do that by typing R into the chat function, and then we will bring you in. There is no need for witnesses to manually turn their microphones on and off, as we will be doing that automatically for them.
I invite the minister to make a brief opening statement.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
That is fine.
I will come to the minister. I have focused on community wealth building, because that is my passion at the moment, but I have a general question about the role you see CPPs having in the proposed community wealth building bill, as well as in relation to Covid recovery and the new deal for local government.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
Meeting date: 25 April 2023
Ariane Burgess
The question was about funding. Did you hear it or do you want me to ask it again?