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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 19 December 2024
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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

Eilidh, do you want to come in on this question?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

That is all right.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

Does anyone have anything new and different to add to what Gordon MacRae has just said?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Decision on Taking Business in Private

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

Good morning, and welcome to the 30th meeting in 2024 of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee. I remind all members and witnesses to ensure that their devices are on silent—I will do that, too.

The first item on our agenda is a decision whether to take items 4, 5 and 6 in private. Do members agree to take those items in private?

Members indicated agreement.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

Under the next item on our agenda, we will take evidence from two panels of witnesses as part of our housing inquiry. The sessions provide an opportunity for the committee to consider the response to the housing emergency and how we move beyond the emergency to a sustainable housing system that works for all.

On our first panel, we are joined by Professor Duncan Maclennan, emeritus professor of urban economics at the University of Glasgow and adjunct professor of housing economics at the Canadian Housing Evidence Collective and McMaster University in Ontario.

We have a number of questions for you. There is no need for you to operate your microphone, as that will be done for you. I will begin with some opening questions before I bring in other committee members.

First, what are your thoughts on whether there is a national housing emergency in Scotland and whether the Scottish Government is clear about how we should define a national housing emergency?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

That is very helpful and provides some clarity. You referred to a report that pulls all the needs together. I did not catch it, so will you say what that report is?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

That is very helpful. My second question was going to be whether the housing emergency could have been predicted, but I think that you have answered that, given the work that you have been doing for quite some time. Is there anything that you want to add?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

That is great—thanks very much. One of my challenges is that I need to bring members in, but first I have another question. You have talked quite a bit about home ownership. Is it a given that home ownership, and the pathway into that, would be part of solving the housing emergency?

In other countries, and certainly on the European continent, people are quite happy to rent throughout their lives, with very good-quality rentals at a fair rent that is not such a burden on their financial circumstances. Home ownership is a tendency in the United Kingdom, but is it a given that that is what we have to do?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

It is great to hear from you. We will let the session run on for a little bit longer, but we are a bit tight for time, because there are lots of people sitting behind you in the public gallery who have things to say.

Alexander Stewart has some questions on longer-term issues.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee [Draft]

Housing Emergency

Meeting date: 12 November 2024

Ariane Burgess

Thank you very much, Professor Maclennan, for joining us this morning. I have allowed the session to run a bit longer, because I felt that your answers were really useful to the committee and our work. I very much appreciate your coming and joining us this morning.

I am now going to suspend briefly to allow for a changeover of witnesses—