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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 7 January 2025
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Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

[Inaudible.]—the ones that you are not in as opposed to the ones that you are in. You will know what the balance looks like.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

Maureen, when you described the support that you give to families, you talked very optimistically about some of the successes that you have had. Will you describe what support you give to parents and families in practical terms?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

What is it? Did you call it an achievement club?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

I apologise. Sara Spencer is the cost of the school day project manager at the Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland, and she is joining us remotely. Louise Goodlad is senior head of partnerships, Scotland, at the Prince’s Trust Scotland. You are all very welcome.

Given the fact that we are considering the work of the third sector in relation to the Scottish attainment challenge, I will start with Maureen McAteer. Is the work that Barnardo’s does in relation to the attainment challenge additional to what was going on before? What is the value of the third sector’s involvement in this?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

That is a very powerful point.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

Are there measurable outcomes that you can share with the committee in relation to the pupils with whom you engage?

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

There is a real risk that the tendering process will go the same way as commercial tendering has gone with local authorities and other public bodies, in that it has become harder and harder for small businesses to get a fair share of what is available in the public sector. The same could be true for the third sector, so we should take note of that—in particular, in relation to the attainment challenge.

I turn to Stephanie Callaghan.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

I appreciate those answers. We now turn to Natalie Don, who will be followed by Willie Rennie. It looks as though he will be the final member of the committee to ask questions, because Oliver Mundell has not returned from his break from the meeting.

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Scottish Attainment Challenge Inquiry

Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

Is that a member of staff?

Education, Children and Young People Committee


Meeting date: 23 February 2022

Stephen Kerr

Good morning, and welcome to the sixth meeting in 2022 of the Education, Children and Young People Committee.

We have received apologies from James Dornan. I am delighted to welcome Natalie Don MSP, who joins us as a substitute member for the first time today. You are very welcome, Natalie. I thank you for being here and invite you to declare any interests that are relevant to the remit of the committee.