The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 1236 contributions
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
Thank you, Evan. If no one else wants to come in I will pass back to the deputy convener.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
No, thank you. That is fine.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
Good morning. I apologise for not being able to attend in person.
I want to touch on the reporting requirements. I thank each of you for the submissions that you have sent to us. Each of the submissions touches on the reporting requirements, saying that they are quite labour intensive and that they have been an added burden. To what extent have you been able to integrate reporting under the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 with other statutory reporting requirements? I put that question to Martin Booth first.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
Thanks very much for that. Would Sally Buchanan like to come in on that point?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
Thanks very much, Peter. I see that Evan Beswick would like to come in.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
Good morning, cabinet secretary. Paul O’Kane kind of stole my thunder there, because I am a bit concerned about case transfer, too, given that there have been concerns previously.
I am seeking a level of comfort with regard to awareness of potential issues. Our committee papers state that approximately 66,000 people will be transferring, so I would like to know that the transfer will be seamless.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee [Draft]
Meeting date: 21 November 2024
Collette Stevenson
Thanks very much for that, Sally. I see that Peter Kelly wants to come in. You were on my radar anyway, Peter, so I would welcome your comments.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 10 October 2024
Collette Stevenson
Okay, that is lovely. Thank you all very much for sharing your views with us today. It has been really interesting and I think that all the members will have found it really worth while. We will be reporting in November on the evidence that we have heard.
Before we move into private session, I note that Roz McCall will be replaced by Liz Smith on the committee following decision time today, so I would like to put on the record the committee’s thanks to Roz for her valuable contributions. You are going to be sorely missed.
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 10 October 2024
Collette Stevenson
Thank you once again. We now move into private session.
10:08 Meeting continued in private until 10:35.Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 10 October 2024
Collette Stevenson
Thanks, Tobias. Roz McCall is next.