The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 2045 contributions
COVID-19 Recovery Committee
Meeting date: 15 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
On staffing, is it just dentists that you are missing, or is it nurses and hygienists, too? Is it across the board?
COVID-19 Recovery Committee
Meeting date: 15 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Does anybody want to add anything to that, or are you all content?
COVID-19 Recovery Committee
Meeting date: 15 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
I think that we will be looking at the model for how dentistry works next week, so we will be able to expand on that.
Thank you all very much for giving us your time this morning. If there are any other issues that you want to raise with us, the clerks will be happy to liaise with you.
I see that Declan Gilmore wants to come in again.
COVID-19 Recovery Committee
Meeting date: 15 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Possibly—I will come back to you.
COVID-19 Recovery Committee
Meeting date: 15 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Are you confident that you can get the levels back up to where they were before the pandemic?
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 14 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
That brings me back to Alex Hogg’s point about the training and professionalism of the people carrying out those acts. Would not training be part of the process?
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 14 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Mike Flynn has already answered my question, thank you.
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 14 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Can I put one further example that has been put to me? As a former sheep farmer, I may have had the desire to shoot a white-tailed eagle because it was lifting lambs. I would be fined and possibly imprisoned, and I would face the full force of the law, whatever that happened to be, but I would not be stopped from farming sheep. If I am a grouse moor manager and I do something and the licence is removed, I am effectively stopped from carrying out my way of making a living. Would that issue fall under the ECHR?
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 14 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Yes. Professor Werritty, are you aware of any concerns that have been raised by stakeholders that the provisions in the bill on licensing may not be compliant with the ECHR, for example, due the potential of disproportionate interference with property rights?
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Meeting date: 14 June 2023
Jim Fairlie
Let us presume that the hoops are dead easy, you just apply for the licence and you get it. I think that you were suggesting that a heavy-handed NatureScot person could impose certain restrictions. At what point does that breach ECHR?