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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 14 March 2025
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Displaying 2045 contributions


COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Covid-19 Update, Coronavirus Acts Reports and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 28 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

Where are we in relation to the state of the pandemic? What is the situation with transmission, hospital admissions, intensive care unit admissions and so on?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Covid-19 Update, Coronavirus Acts Reports and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 28 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

Good morning. I want to briefly go back to John Mason’s point about long Covid clinics. We have heard a lot of debate and challenge in the chamber about the Scottish Government not doing enough to set up long Covid clinics despite them existing in England. What are they doing in England that is so much better than what we are doing in Scotland and which means that there is now so much demand for long Covid clinics?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Covid-19 Update, Coronavirus Acts Reports and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 28 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

On a number of occasions in the chamber, Sandesh Gulhane has cited a particular system that a particular hospital in England is using. Have you looked at that?

COVID-19 Recovery Committee

Covid-19 Update, Coronavirus Acts Reports and Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 28 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

That indicates that the vaccine is doing its job.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee


Meeting date: 27 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

Surely that would be a better way of spending money than poisoning geese and sticking them in a hole.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee


Meeting date: 27 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

I will leave it there, convener.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Crisis in Ukraine: Impact on Food Supply Chain in Scotland

Meeting date: 27 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

Scott, you are as well to stay on the screen, because my question will be entirely directed to you, although Steven Thomson might want to pitch in.

I will first touch on the impact of rising input costs, which we have already talked about. What do we need to do to mitigate the rising costs? Do you see opportunities? A business in my constituency, Earnside Energy, is processing food waste and turning it into liquid fertiliser, which farmers around me are using. It is about 80 per cent cheaper than buying fertiliser at current prices.

There is also the issue of slurry storage—there is far too much slurry needing to be stored. How can we take those two issues and turn them into opportunities?

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee


Meeting date: 27 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

Patrick, thanks very much for coming in. It is a fascinating issue. From a farming perspective, I absolutely get the reasons why you need to control numbers.

What you said about corralling blew my mind. I did not realise that it was happening. I did not realise that we are paying people to go out and poison the birds. What happens to the carcasses after they are poisoned? I presume that they get dumped.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Crisis in Ukraine: Impact on Food Supply Chain in Scotland

Meeting date: 27 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

Is that where the commissioner has to have more teeth?

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee


Meeting date: 27 April 2022

Jim Fairlie

So, a licence is needed to sell goose meat. Let us clear that up first. Why did the business need a licence to sell goose meat?