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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 9 March 2025
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Displaying 1435 contributions


Economy and Fair Work Committee

Economic Recovery

Meeting date: 1 September 2021

Michelle Thomson

Going back to the general question about structural issues, I am sure that we will be very vexed with the issue of cause and effect throughout this session of the Parliament, but, with regard to effect, we would all agree that much more needs to be done. With regard to cause, going right back to the top, there is the fact that the law was developed by men for men, and there are issues with banking regulation and with artificial intelligence embedding some of that thinking, and so on. Given that, my question to all of you is: rather than women-designed programmes, to what extent have you looked specifically at the nature of the business environment—which, post Covid, presents us all with an opportunity—as though it were entirely led by women as a way of bringing out data? Are you planning on doing any further research? Have you undertaken any research post Covid, in the light of Carolyn Currie’s data?

Economy and Fair Work Committee

Economic Recovery

Meeting date: 1 September 2021

Michelle Thomson

I want to talk briefly about debt in small businesses, which has been talked about frequently—indeed, it was mentioned in many of the submissions. What is your sense of the debt burden for small businesses, and what are your thoughts about how they can be supported in dealing with that?

Economy and Fair Work Committee

Economic Recovery

Meeting date: 1 September 2021

Michelle Thomson

Good morning, everybody. It is nice to be able to reacquaint myself with some people whom I knew previously.

I was very struck by Carolyn Currie’s comment about the disaggregation of data and how important that is. However, before I move on to ask Carolyn some questions about that, I want to ask the other representatives whether they disaggregate all the sample data by women-led businesses? That question is for everyone, bar Carolyn.

Economy and Fair Work Committee

Economic Recovery

Meeting date: 1 September 2021

Michelle Thomson

Okay—I will carry on for now then.

The responses were illuminating. In relation to the disaggregation of data, I was extraordinarily struck by the data set that Carolyn Currie provided, and by her point about people who become entrepreneurs out of necessity versus opportunistic entrepreneurs, as we might say. The former have different needs because of how they have arrived at running their own businesses.

I am particularly interested in following up on Carolyn Currie’s comment about structural issues. She has said:

“structural inequalities prevail”.

Perhaps we have a slight example of that in the point that we are routinely not gathering disaggregated data, but I am interested in hearing and understanding more about what specifically she meant by that.

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy

Meeting date: 31 August 2021

Michelle Thomson

Yes. I am talking about the new funding streams on levelling up, community renewal, UK shared prosperity and so on.

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy

Meeting date: 31 August 2021

Michelle Thomson

There might well be a residual benefit in letting the larger public understand the dog’s dinner of the current fiscal framework, but that is by the by.

Local government faces very similar challenges with regard to its being confident about when money will appear and so on. On the review of capital accounting, which I believe you requested and which is being led by directors of finance on behalf of local government, are you able to express any view on the extent to which the focus should be on understanding service concession flexibilities to facilitate financial planning, or do you intend to wait for the outcome of the review before local councils can get some more certainty about what flexibilities they have?

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Scottish Fiscal Commission (Economic and Fiscal Forecasts)

Meeting date: 31 August 2021

Michelle Thomson

I have been listening to the contributions with great interest. The themes that keep recurring are around uncertainty and complexity. I appreciate the very difficult job that you have to do in reconciling what has actually happened with a forecast of what might happen, and I am interested in exploring that a bit further.

We have touched on some of the rationale that you use for your analysis when questions have been asked. I am interested in understanding the rationale for some of your analysis in your report. For example, we know that climate change will affect us, and net zero targets are being talked about a great deal. How do you reflect such issues in your analysis? Can you see a development of your report in which you reflect more on those issues?

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy

Meeting date: 31 August 2021

Michelle Thomson

For my last question, I want to pick up on Liz Smith’s point about the debt burden on small businesses. When you have your conversations with the UK Government, could you impress on it the need to implore banks to have flexibility in certain loan schemes? There are some protections in place, such as no personal guarantees for coronavirus business interruption loan scheme loans up to a certain amount, but the fact remains that, post the 2008 recession, there was some really poor behaviour by banks, with small to medium-sized enterprises forced into very distressed circumstances and made bankrupt or sequestrated. Will you add your voice to ensuring that banks understand their obligations, particularly to the SME community?

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Scottish Fiscal Commission (Economic and Fiscal Forecasts)

Meeting date: 31 August 2021

Michelle Thomson

It is the best worst, as I think people would agree.

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy

Meeting date: 31 August 2021

Michelle Thomson

Cabinet secretary, your comments lead neatly to a question that I have, which concerns an alarming statement from the Fraser of Allander Institute in its report for the Economic and Social Research Council, “Designing and funding the devolved nations’ policy responses to COVID-19”, which you will know about. It said:

“The effect is to circumvent not only the Barnett Formula but the devolved governments themselves.”

I was interested to hear you talk about the implications of spending coming in from left field. Have you given further detailed consideration to a range of scenarios in which that might have unintended and potentially undesirable consequences for your ability to control and manage your budget and your ability to deliver on your policy imperatives?