The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 896 contributions
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 11 November 2021
Marie McNair
I want to highlight a good example from Glasgow, where people registering births are assisted in making best start grant claims. Are there any other examples of good practice elsewhere?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 11 November 2021
Marie McNair
Good morning, minister; it is good to see you.
Unfortunately, access to many of the Scottish benefits is dependent on people’s being in receipt of reserved benefits. How has the UK Government responded to requests for a more unified and strategic approach to maximising take-up? If the response was disappointing, how do you intend to follow up on that?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 11 November 2021
Marie McNair
Thank you. Minister, I look forward to seeing the additional information, if you can pass it on.
Under the old system, people were deterred from applying for the carers allowance by the fact that the underlying entitlement rules meant that for some it offered no financial gain. What are we doing to get the message out that that has changed and that a gain will come from the carers allowance supplement?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 4 November 2021
Marie McNair
I thank the witnesses for their submissions, which I found really helpful. In your evidence, you emphasise the importance of involving people with lived experience of homelessness. That seems to be a good way, in practice, of achieving what we want. Did the pandemic hinder progress in any way? How do we maintain the momentum on that?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 4 November 2021
Marie McNair
The Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Act 2021, which will come into force in December 2022, will help to prevent women’s homelessness by barring the perpetrator of domestic abuse from the home and giving landlords the ability to transfer tenancies to the survivor. How impactful will that be in tackling homelessness among women? Are other improvements needed to better assist women who are at risk of being made homeless?
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Meeting date: 4 November 2021
Marie McNair
This question, which is for Beth Watts, is about future developments. Like you, I think that we can make real progress with the powers that we have. However, UK policy is a hindrance in some respects. You say in the homelessness monitor study that changes to welfare policy, including increasing local housing allowance, would assist in reducing homelessness. Is that simply you stating the obvious, or are you optimistic that there will be movement in that regard?
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 2 November 2021
Marie McNair
I go back to the issue of trust. The cabinet secretary has acknowledged how difficult the unsatisfactory experience has been for the women affected. What they have endured is appalling and there is no doubt that there is now a lack of trust in the service. How confident is the cabinet secretary that confidence in the service can be re-established? What lessons can we learn from this whole process?
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 2 November 2021
Marie McNair
Good morning. I have a follow-up question. Can someone directly self-refer to the service?
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 2 November 2021
Marie McNair
Good morning, cabinet secretary, and thank you for your time at committee this morning.
It is envisaged that there will be a deadline for applying to the scheme. How flexible will that deadline be? Will there be reasonable grounds for accepting late applications?
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
Meeting date: 2 November 2021
Marie McNair
The cabinet secretary will have seen the correspondence from women that raises the issue of the in-betweeners, or those who started the process by pursuing surgery themselves. How will they be accommodated and supported?