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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 15 March 2025
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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Scottish Housing Regulator “Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22”

Meeting date: 20 December 2022

Marie McNair

Your recently published report on RSLs’ financial forecasts showed that their financial performance should remain robust but that the outlook continues to be challenging, as you have already mentioned. Can you say more about the financial challenges that RSLs face and about how you will work with them and their tenants to address the challenges?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Scottish Housing Regulator “Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22”

Meeting date: 20 December 2022

Marie McNair

That is helpful information.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

As someone who has been a councillor, I noticed that myself.

If nobody else wants to come in, I will move on to my next question. Do you believe that local authorities would like to raise more of their own revenue? If so, what mechanisms would they use? What is currently preventing councils from raising more of their own income? Are there any UK or international methods or arrangements that you would like to see replicated here?

I will start with Councillor Ross.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Good morning. Do you have any comments on the contribution that community councils can make and on whether a review of their role is required, given that they are the most local tier of statutory representation? They are the third tier of government in Scotland but, obviously, they have limited resources, powers and influence. Councillor Stockan and Councillor Nicoll have touched on that slightly already.

What is your experience of community councils and other bodies such as development trusts driving and delivering local empowerment? Councillor Stockan, you might want to add a wee bit more about community councils in your area.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Do you believe that a review of their role is required?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Thank you. I will pop that question out to the rest of the panel, if anybody wants to come in.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Thanks very much for your very helpful responses.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Good morning, panel. Councillor Morrison, the previous COSLA president told the committee last year that local government review pilots are all written up and ready to go. Can you tell us a bit more about them and any other local projects relating to the reviews regarding empowerment? You may want to bring in Sarah Watters because, obviously, you are newly elected.

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Sarah Watters and Shona Morrison, do you want to add anything?

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review

Meeting date: 13 December 2022

Marie McNair

Thank you for that. I will ask the same question as I asked the previous panel of councillors. What are COSLA and SOLACE’s views on community councillors? Is a review of the role required?