The next item of business is consideration of two Parliamentary Bureau motions. I ask George Adam, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, to move motion S6M-07585, on committee membership, and motion S6M-07586, on substitution on a committee.
Motions moved,
That the Parliament agrees that—
Paul Sweeney be appointed to replace Carol Mochan as a member of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee;
Carol Mochan be appointed to replace Paul Sweeney as a member of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee;
Carol Mochan be appointed to replace Paul Sweeney as a member of the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee.
That the Parliament agrees that Rhoda Grant be appointed to replace Carol Mochan as the Scottish Labour Party substitute on the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee.—[George Adam]
The questions on those motions will be put at decision time.
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Decision Time