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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Decision Time

The Presiding Officer (Ken Macintosh)

The first question is, that amendment S5M-22004.1, in the name of Pauline McNeill, which seeks to amend motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie, on showing solidarity with anti-racism, be agreed to.

Amendment agreed to.

The Presiding Officer (Ken Macintosh)

The first question is, that amendment S5M-22004.1, in the name of Pauline McNeill, which seeks to amend motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie, on showing solidarity with anti-racism, be agreed to.

Amendment agreed to.

The Presiding Officer

The next question is, that amendment S5M-22004.2, in the name of Patrick Harvie, which seeks to amend motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie, be agreed to. Are we agreed?

Members: No.

The Presiding Officer

The next question is, that amendment S5M-22004.2, in the name of Patrick Harvie, which seeks to amend motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie, be agreed to. Are we agreed?

Members: No.

There will be a division.

There will be a division.

Bob Doris (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)

On a point of order, Presiding Officer. Not all the consoles are working, so the votes are not going to be recorded. Just before decision time, there was a flashing light on several of the consoles; they do not appear to be working, so how can we record—

Bob Doris (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)

On a point of order, Presiding Officer. Not all the consoles are working, so the votes are not going to be recorded. Just before decision time, there was a flashing light on several of the consoles; they do not appear to be working, so how can we record—

The Presiding Officer

Mr Doris, your microphone is not on. Will you pause for a second?

For the record, Mr Doris just expressed concern that we are not confident that all the terminals are working. The vote that has been recorded shows a majority for the amendment, by 50 votes to 11. We will have a short pause while I consult the clerks and decide whether to carry on.

The Presiding Officer

Mr Doris, your microphone is not on. Will you pause for a second?

For the record, Mr Doris just expressed concern that we are not confident that all the terminals are working. The vote that has been recorded shows a majority for the amendment, by 50 votes to 11. We will have a short pause while I consult the clerks and decide whether to carry on.

Presiding Officer—

Presiding Officer—

We will resume after a short suspension, Mr Doris.

19:05 Meeting suspended.  

19:06 On resuming—  

We will resume after a short suspension, Mr Doris.

19:05 Meeting suspended.  

19:06 On resuming—  

Thank you, members. Mr Doris, do you want to make another point of order, or shall I just explain what is happening?

Thank you, members. Mr Doris, do you want to make another point of order, or shall I just explain what is happening?

I apologise, Presiding Officer. My microphone is not working. I have tried three consoles and none of them is working, so I cannot raise a point of order.

I apologise, Presiding Officer. My microphone is not working. I have tried three consoles and none of them is working, so I cannot raise a point of order.

Mr Doris, I wonder whether you could produce your card—there we are. [Laughter.]

Mr Doris, I wonder whether you could produce your card—there we are. [Laughter.]

Bob Doris

I appreciate the complexities—[Inaudible.] I wanted to express my support for the amendment, but I was unable to do that. I tried three different consoles, each of which informed me that I was already logged into three consoles. I cannot explain that, Presiding Officer, and neither can you—I do not expect you to be able to explain it, but I expect my vote in support of the amendment to be registered in the Parliament.

Bob Doris

I appreciate the complexities—[Inaudible.] I wanted to express my support for the amendment, but I was unable to do that. I tried three different consoles, each of which informed me that I was already logged into three consoles. I cannot explain that, Presiding Officer, and neither can you—I do not expect you to be able to explain it, but I expect my vote in support of the amendment to be registered in the Parliament.

The Presiding Officer


For members’ information, my console is showing the members who are present. Only four votes were not registered, but it is important that members who make the effort to come to the Parliament and want to signal their support for motions or bills get the chance to do so.

Therefore, I will run the vote again. The question is—

The Presiding Officer


For members’ information, my console is showing the members who are present. Only four votes were not registered, but it is important that members who make the effort to come to the Parliament and want to signal their support for motions or bills get the chance to do so.

Therefore, I will run the vote again. The question is—

On a point of order, Presiding Officer. The consoles have not cleared; they are still showing the previous vote.

On a point of order, Presiding Officer. The consoles have not cleared; they are still showing the previous vote.

The Presiding Officer

Okay. We will pause while the consoles are cleared, and we will run the vote again.

I believe that, when we run the vote again, the consoles will clear and members will be able to cast their votes. If the consoles do not clear, we will examine the proceedings.

I ask members to cast their votes now on amendment S5M-22004.2, in the name of Patrick Harvie, which seeks to amend motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie.


Adamson, Clare (Motherwell and Wishaw) (SNP)
Baker, Claire (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Lab)
Beattie, Colin (Midlothian North and Musselburgh) (SNP)
Boyack, Sarah (Lothian) (Lab)
Brown, Keith (Clackmannanshire and Dunblane) (SNP)
Coffey, Willie (Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley) (SNP)
Cole-Hamilton, Alex (Edinburgh Western) (LD)
Constance, Angela (Almond Valley) (SNP)
Crawford, Bruce (Stirling) (SNP)
Denham, Ash (Edinburgh Eastern) (SNP)
Doris, Bob (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)
Dornan, James (Glasgow Cathcart) (SNP)
Ewing, Annabelle (Cowdenbeath) (SNP)
Ewing, Fergus (Inverness and Nairn) (SNP)
Fabiani, Linda (East Kilbride) (SNP)
Findlay, Neil (Lothian) (Lab)
FitzPatrick, Joe (Dundee City West) (SNP)
Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP)
Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP)
Grahame, Christine (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP)
Gray, Iain (East Lothian) (Lab)
Harvie, Patrick (Glasgow) (Green)
Johnson, Daniel (Edinburgh Southern) (Lab)
Johnstone, Alison (Lothian) (Green)
Leonard, Richard (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Lyle, Richard (Uddingston and Bellshill) (SNP)
MacDonald, Angus (Falkirk East) (SNP)
MacDonald, Gordon (Edinburgh Pentlands) (SNP)
Macdonald, Lewis (North East Scotland) (Lab)
MacGregor, Fulton (Coatbridge and Chryston) (SNP)
Mackay, Rona (Strathkelvin and Bearsden) (SNP)
Macpherson, Ben (Edinburgh Northern and Leith) (SNP)
Maguire, Ruth (Cunninghame South) (SNP)
Martin, Gillian (Aberdeenshire East) (SNP)
Mason, John (Glasgow Shettleston) (SNP)
McAlpine, Joan (South Scotland) (SNP)
McKee, Ivan (Glasgow Provan) (SNP)
McKelvie, Christina (Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse) (SNP)
McMillan, Stuart (Greenock and Inverclyde) (SNP)
McNeill, Pauline (Glasgow) (Lab)
Neil, Alex (Airdrie and Shotts) (SNP)
Rennie, Willie (North East Fife) (LD)
Robison, Shona (Dundee City East) (SNP)
Russell, Michael (Argyll and Bute) (SNP)
Sarwar, Anas (Glasgow) (Lab)
Smyth, Colin (South Scotland) (Lab)
Stewart, David (Highlands and Islands) (Lab)
Stewart, Kevin (Aberdeen Central) (SNP)
Swinney, John (Perthshire North) (SNP)
Todd, Maree (Highlands and Islands) (SNP)
Wheelhouse, Paul (South Scotland) (SNP)
Wightman, Andy (Lothian) (Green)


Bowman, Bill (North East Scotland) (Con)
Briggs, Miles (Lothian) (Con)
Carlaw, Jackson (Eastwood) (Con)
Davidson, Ruth (Edinburgh Central) (Con)
Greene, Jamie (West Scotland) (Con)
Halcro Johnston, Jamie (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Kerr, Liam (North East Scotland) (Con)
Mountain, Edward (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Smith, Liz (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Stewart, Alexander (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Whittle, Brian (South Scotland) (Con)

The Presiding Officer

Okay. We will pause while the consoles are cleared, and we will run the vote again.

I believe that, when we run the vote again, the consoles will clear and members will be able to cast their votes. If the consoles do not clear, we will examine the proceedings.

I ask members to cast their votes now on amendment S5M-22004.2, in the name of Patrick Harvie, which seeks to amend motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie.


Adamson, Clare (Motherwell and Wishaw) (SNP)
Baker, Claire (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Lab)
Beattie, Colin (Midlothian North and Musselburgh) (SNP)
Boyack, Sarah (Lothian) (Lab)
Brown, Keith (Clackmannanshire and Dunblane) (SNP)
Coffey, Willie (Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley) (SNP)
Cole-Hamilton, Alex (Edinburgh Western) (LD)
Constance, Angela (Almond Valley) (SNP)
Crawford, Bruce (Stirling) (SNP)
Denham, Ash (Edinburgh Eastern) (SNP)
Doris, Bob (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)
Dornan, James (Glasgow Cathcart) (SNP)
Ewing, Annabelle (Cowdenbeath) (SNP)
Ewing, Fergus (Inverness and Nairn) (SNP)
Fabiani, Linda (East Kilbride) (SNP)
Findlay, Neil (Lothian) (Lab)
FitzPatrick, Joe (Dundee City West) (SNP)
Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP)
Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP)
Grahame, Christine (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP)
Gray, Iain (East Lothian) (Lab)
Harvie, Patrick (Glasgow) (Green)
Johnson, Daniel (Edinburgh Southern) (Lab)
Johnstone, Alison (Lothian) (Green)
Leonard, Richard (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Lyle, Richard (Uddingston and Bellshill) (SNP)
MacDonald, Angus (Falkirk East) (SNP)
MacDonald, Gordon (Edinburgh Pentlands) (SNP)
Macdonald, Lewis (North East Scotland) (Lab)
MacGregor, Fulton (Coatbridge and Chryston) (SNP)
Mackay, Rona (Strathkelvin and Bearsden) (SNP)
Macpherson, Ben (Edinburgh Northern and Leith) (SNP)
Maguire, Ruth (Cunninghame South) (SNP)
Martin, Gillian (Aberdeenshire East) (SNP)
Mason, John (Glasgow Shettleston) (SNP)
McAlpine, Joan (South Scotland) (SNP)
McKee, Ivan (Glasgow Provan) (SNP)
McKelvie, Christina (Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse) (SNP)
McMillan, Stuart (Greenock and Inverclyde) (SNP)
McNeill, Pauline (Glasgow) (Lab)
Neil, Alex (Airdrie and Shotts) (SNP)
Rennie, Willie (North East Fife) (LD)
Robison, Shona (Dundee City East) (SNP)
Russell, Michael (Argyll and Bute) (SNP)
Sarwar, Anas (Glasgow) (Lab)
Smyth, Colin (South Scotland) (Lab)
Stewart, David (Highlands and Islands) (Lab)
Stewart, Kevin (Aberdeen Central) (SNP)
Swinney, John (Perthshire North) (SNP)
Todd, Maree (Highlands and Islands) (SNP)
Wheelhouse, Paul (South Scotland) (SNP)
Wightman, Andy (Lothian) (Green)


Bowman, Bill (North East Scotland) (Con)
Briggs, Miles (Lothian) (Con)
Carlaw, Jackson (Eastwood) (Con)
Davidson, Ruth (Edinburgh Central) (Con)
Greene, Jamie (West Scotland) (Con)
Halcro Johnston, Jamie (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Kerr, Liam (North East Scotland) (Con)
Mountain, Edward (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Smith, Liz (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Stewart, Alexander (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Whittle, Brian (South Scotland) (Con)

The result of the division is: For 52, Against 0, Abstentions 11.

Amendment agreed to.

The result of the division is: For 52, Against 0, Abstentions 11.

Amendment agreed to.

The Presiding Officer

The names of all those who voted will be available in the business team office—the chamber desk—several minutes after decision time. If members are concerned that their vote was not registered, I ask them to contact me by email later this evening. However, for the record, it is noted that Mr Doris cast his vote for the amendment.

The next question is, that motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie, on showing solidarity with anti-racism, as amended, be agreed to.

Motion, as amended, agreed to,

That the Parliament understands and shares the deep concern and horror that many feel about racism and racial injustice and police brutality across the world; expresses and shares the sympathy, grief and anger of so many at the death of George Floyd; stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and considers that the UK Government must immediately suspend all export licences for tear gas, rubber bullets and riot gear to the US; recognises that public protest should be conducted safely in the current public health crisis; encourages people to continue to find safe ways to lend their voice to protest against racism in all its forms; believes that there is a responsibility on us all to identify and dismantle barriers of structural racism that exist in our society and institutions; agrees that it is up to all in society to tackle racism and advance race equality; agrees that Scotland should establish a slavery museum to address our historic links to the slave trade; regrets the fact that so many monuments and street names still celebrate the perpetrators and profiteers of slavery; calls on all levels of government to work to address this toxic legacy; believes that racism is a societal evil that we must all stand united against, and work to eradicate; welcomes the establishment of the Scottish Government expert advisory group on COVID-19 and the impact on ethnic minority communities, and calls for action now to best support black and minority ethnic (BAME) workers and their families as the health and economic crisis unfolds and for the collection of detailed data through Public Health Scotland on the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups, to assist in identifying the reasons for differential impacts.

The Presiding Officer

The names of all those who voted will be available in the business team office—the chamber desk—several minutes after decision time. If members are concerned that their vote was not registered, I ask them to contact me by email later this evening. However, for the record, it is noted that Mr Doris cast his vote for the amendment.

The next question is, that motion S5M-22004, in the name of Christina McKelvie, on showing solidarity with anti-racism, as amended, be agreed to.

Motion, as amended, agreed to,

That the Parliament understands and shares the deep concern and horror that many feel about racism and racial injustice and police brutality across the world; expresses and shares the sympathy, grief and anger of so many at the death of George Floyd; stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and considers that the UK Government must immediately suspend all export licences for tear gas, rubber bullets and riot gear to the US; recognises that public protest should be conducted safely in the current public health crisis; encourages people to continue to find safe ways to lend their voice to protest against racism in all its forms; believes that there is a responsibility on us all to identify and dismantle barriers of structural racism that exist in our society and institutions; agrees that it is up to all in society to tackle racism and advance race equality; agrees that Scotland should establish a slavery museum to address our historic links to the slave trade; regrets the fact that so many monuments and street names still celebrate the perpetrators and profiteers of slavery; calls on all levels of government to work to address this toxic legacy; believes that racism is a societal evil that we must all stand united against, and work to eradicate; welcomes the establishment of the Scottish Government expert advisory group on COVID-19 and the impact on ethnic minority communities, and calls for action now to best support black and minority ethnic (BAME) workers and their families as the health and economic crisis unfolds and for the collection of detailed data through Public Health Scotland on the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups, to assist in identifying the reasons for differential impacts.

The Presiding Officer

The fourth question is, that motion S5M-21976, in the name of Maree Todd, on the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill at stage 3, be agreed to. As the motion concerns legislation, members should cast their votes now.


Adamson, Clare (Motherwell and Wishaw) (SNP)
Baker, Claire (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Lab)
Beattie, Colin (Midlothian North and Musselburgh) (SNP)
Bowman, Bill (North East Scotland) (Con)
Boyack, Sarah (Lothian) (Lab)
Briggs, Miles (Lothian) (Con)
Brown, Keith (Clackmannanshire and Dunblane) (SNP)
Carlaw, Jackson (Eastwood) (Con)
Coffey, Willie (Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley) (SNP)
Cole-Hamilton, Alex (Edinburgh Western) (LD)
Constance, Angela (Almond Valley) (SNP)
Crawford, Bruce (Stirling) (SNP)
Davidson, Ruth (Edinburgh Central) (Con)
Denham, Ash (Edinburgh Eastern) (SNP)
Doris, Bob (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)
Dornan, James (Glasgow Cathcart) (SNP)
Ewing, Annabelle (Cowdenbeath) (SNP)
Ewing, Fergus (Inverness and Nairn) (SNP)
Fabiani, Linda (East Kilbride) (SNP)
Findlay, Neil (Lothian) (Lab)
FitzPatrick, Joe (Dundee City West) (SNP)
Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP)
Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP)
Grahame, Christine (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP)
Gray, Iain (East Lothian) (Lab)
Greene, Jamie (West Scotland) (Con)
Harvie, Patrick (Glasgow) (Green)
Johnson, Daniel (Edinburgh Southern) (Lab)
Halcro Johnston, Jamie (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Johnstone, Alison (Lothian) (Green)
Kerr, Liam (North East Scotland) (Con)
Leonard, Richard (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Lyle, Richard (Uddingston and Bellshill) (SNP)
MacDonald, Angus (Falkirk East) (SNP)
MacDonald, Gordon (Edinburgh Pentlands) (SNP)
Macdonald, Lewis (North East Scotland) (Lab)
MacGregor, Fulton (Coatbridge and Chryston) (SNP)
Mackay, Rona (Strathkelvin and Bearsden) (SNP)
Macpherson, Ben (Edinburgh Northern and Leith) (SNP)
Maguire, Ruth (Cunninghame South) (SNP)
Martin, Gillian (Aberdeenshire East) (SNP)
Mason, John (Glasgow Shettleston) (SNP)
McAlpine, Joan (South Scotland) (SNP)
McKee, Ivan (Glasgow Provan) (SNP)
McKelvie, Christina (Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse) (SNP)
McMillan, Stuart (Greenock and Inverclyde) (SNP)
McNeill, Pauline (Glasgow) (Lab)
Mountain, Edward (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Neil, Alex (Airdrie and Shotts) (SNP)
Rennie, Willie (North East Fife) (LD)
Robison, Shona (Dundee City East) (SNP)
Russell, Michael (Argyll and Bute) (SNP)
Sarwar, Anas (Glasgow) (Lab)
Smith, Liz (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Smyth, Colin (South Scotland) (Lab)
Stewart, Alexander (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Stewart, David (Highlands and Islands) (Lab)
Stewart, Kevin (Aberdeen Central) (SNP)
Swinney, John (Perthshire North) (SNP)
Todd, Maree (Highlands and Islands) (SNP)
Wheelhouse, Paul (South Scotland) (SNP)
Whittle, Brian (South Scotland) (Con)
Wightman, Andy (Lothian) (Green)

The Presiding Officer

The fourth question is, that motion S5M-21976, in the name of Maree Todd, on the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill at stage 3, be agreed to. As the motion concerns legislation, members should cast their votes now.


Adamson, Clare (Motherwell and Wishaw) (SNP)
Baker, Claire (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Lab)
Beattie, Colin (Midlothian North and Musselburgh) (SNP)
Bowman, Bill (North East Scotland) (Con)
Boyack, Sarah (Lothian) (Lab)
Briggs, Miles (Lothian) (Con)
Brown, Keith (Clackmannanshire and Dunblane) (SNP)
Carlaw, Jackson (Eastwood) (Con)
Coffey, Willie (Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley) (SNP)
Cole-Hamilton, Alex (Edinburgh Western) (LD)
Constance, Angela (Almond Valley) (SNP)
Crawford, Bruce (Stirling) (SNP)
Davidson, Ruth (Edinburgh Central) (Con)
Denham, Ash (Edinburgh Eastern) (SNP)
Doris, Bob (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)
Dornan, James (Glasgow Cathcart) (SNP)
Ewing, Annabelle (Cowdenbeath) (SNP)
Ewing, Fergus (Inverness and Nairn) (SNP)
Fabiani, Linda (East Kilbride) (SNP)
Findlay, Neil (Lothian) (Lab)
FitzPatrick, Joe (Dundee City West) (SNP)
Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP)
Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP)
Grahame, Christine (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP)
Gray, Iain (East Lothian) (Lab)
Greene, Jamie (West Scotland) (Con)
Harvie, Patrick (Glasgow) (Green)
Johnson, Daniel (Edinburgh Southern) (Lab)
Halcro Johnston, Jamie (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Johnstone, Alison (Lothian) (Green)
Kerr, Liam (North East Scotland) (Con)
Leonard, Richard (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Lyle, Richard (Uddingston and Bellshill) (SNP)
MacDonald, Angus (Falkirk East) (SNP)
MacDonald, Gordon (Edinburgh Pentlands) (SNP)
Macdonald, Lewis (North East Scotland) (Lab)
MacGregor, Fulton (Coatbridge and Chryston) (SNP)
Mackay, Rona (Strathkelvin and Bearsden) (SNP)
Macpherson, Ben (Edinburgh Northern and Leith) (SNP)
Maguire, Ruth (Cunninghame South) (SNP)
Martin, Gillian (Aberdeenshire East) (SNP)
Mason, John (Glasgow Shettleston) (SNP)
McAlpine, Joan (South Scotland) (SNP)
McKee, Ivan (Glasgow Provan) (SNP)
McKelvie, Christina (Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse) (SNP)
McMillan, Stuart (Greenock and Inverclyde) (SNP)
McNeill, Pauline (Glasgow) (Lab)
Mountain, Edward (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Neil, Alex (Airdrie and Shotts) (SNP)
Rennie, Willie (North East Fife) (LD)
Robison, Shona (Dundee City East) (SNP)
Russell, Michael (Argyll and Bute) (SNP)
Sarwar, Anas (Glasgow) (Lab)
Smith, Liz (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Smyth, Colin (South Scotland) (Lab)
Stewart, Alexander (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con)
Stewart, David (Highlands and Islands) (Lab)
Stewart, Kevin (Aberdeen Central) (SNP)
Swinney, John (Perthshire North) (SNP)
Todd, Maree (Highlands and Islands) (SNP)
Wheelhouse, Paul (South Scotland) (SNP)
Whittle, Brian (South Scotland) (Con)
Wightman, Andy (Lothian) (Green)

The Presiding Officer

The result of the division is: For 63, Against 0, Abstentions 0.

Motion agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill be passed.

The Presiding Officer

The result of the division is: For 63, Against 0, Abstentions 0.

Motion agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill be passed.

The Presiding Officer

The motion has been agreed to, and the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill is passed. [Applause.]

The next question is, that motions S5M-22000 to S5M-22003 inclusive, in the name of Graeme Dey, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, be agreed to.

Motions agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Welfare of Dogs (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Local Government and Communities Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2020 (SSI 2020/164) be approved.

That the Parliament agrees that the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission Regulations 2020 [draft] be approved.

Meeting closed at 19:12.  

The Presiding Officer

The motion has been agreed to, and the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill is passed. [Applause.]

The next question is, that motions S5M-22000 to S5M-22003 inclusive, in the name of Graeme Dey, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, be agreed to.

Motions agreed to,

That the Parliament agrees that the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Welfare of Dogs (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Local Government and Communities Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2020 (SSI 2020/164) be approved.

That the Parliament agrees that the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission Regulations 2020 [draft] be approved.

Meeting closed at 19:12.