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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Parliamentary Bureau Motions

The Presiding Officer (Ken Macintosh)

The next item of business is consideration of four Parliamentary Bureau motions—S5M-22000 and S5M-22001, on designation of lead committees, and S5M-22002 and S5M-22003, on approval of Scottish statutory instruments.

Motions moved,

That the Parliament agrees that the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Welfare of Dogs (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Local Government and Communities Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Local Government and Communities Committee be designated as the lead committee in consideration of the Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill at stage 1.

That the Parliament agrees that the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission Regulations 2020 [draft] be approved.—[Liz Smith]