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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]

Meeting date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Parliamentary Bureau Motions

The Presiding Officer (Alison Johnstone)

The next item of business is consideration of two Parliamentary Bureau motions. I ask Jamie Hepburn, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, to move motions S6M-14844, on committee meeting times, and S6M-14862, on committee membership.

Motions moved,

That the Parliament agrees that, under Rule 12.3.3B of Standing Orders, the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee can meet, if necessary, at the same time as a meeting of the Parliament from 2.00 pm until the conclusion of consideration of the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill at stage 2 on Tuesday 29 October 2024.

That the Parliament agrees that the following changes to committee membership will apply from close of business on Thursday 10 October 2024—

Stephen Kerr be appointed to replace Meghan Gallacher as a member of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee;

Liam Kerr be appointed to replace Russell Findlay as a member of the Criminal Justice Committee;

Roz McCall be appointed to replace Tim Eagle as a member of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee;

Jamie Halcro Johnston be appointed to replace Brian Whittle as a member of the Economy and Fair Work Committee;

Miles Briggs be appointed to replace Liam Kerr as a member of the Education, Children and Young People Committee;

Douglas Ross be appointed to replace Sue Webber as a member of the Education, Children and Young People Committee;

Tess White be appointed to replace Meghan Gallacher as a member of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee;

Pam Gosal be appointed to replace Annie Wells as a member of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee;

Craig Hoy be appointed to replace Jamie Halcro Johnston as a member of the Finance and Public Administration Committee;

Brian Whittle be appointed to replace Tess White as a member of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee;

Meghan Gallacher be appointed to replace Miles Briggs as a member of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee;

Alexander Stewart be appointed to replace Pam Gosal as a member of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee;

Tim Eagle be appointed to replace Rachael Hamilton as a member of the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee;

Liz Smith be appointed to replace Roz McCall as a member of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee; and

Sue Webber be appointed to replace Oliver Mundell as a member of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.—[Jamie Hepburn]

The question on the motions will be put at decision time.