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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)

Meeting date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (Trustees)

The Presiding Officer (Alison Johnstone)

The next item of business is a debate on motions S6M-03545, S6M-03546 and S6M-03547, in the name of Jackson Carlaw, on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, on nomination of pension fund trustees for the Scottish parliamentary contributory pension fund.


Jackson Carlaw (Eastwood) (Con)

Before I move the motions, I would like to acknowledge on behalf of the Parliament the work done by the previous pension fund trustees, Alison Harris, Gil Paterson and Mark Ruskell, in looking after our pension scheme.

Under rule 8(1) in part B of schedule 1 to the Scottish Parliamentary Pensions Act 2009, it is for the Parliament to appoint all trustees by resolution, on nomination by the SPCB. The SPCB recently agreed to nominate Gordon MacDonald MSP and Murdo Fraser MSP as fund trustees of the Scottish parliamentary pension scheme, and former MSP Mark Ballard as the pensioner trustee, to serve alongside Pauline McNeill. I will therefore move the motions for the Parliament to approve the new fund trustees.

I move,

That the Parliament appoints Gordon MacDonald MSP as a Fund trustee of the Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, further to his nomination for such appointment by the Parliamentary corporation.

That the Parliament appoints Murdo Fraser MSP as a Fund trustee of the Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, further to his nomination for such appointment by the Parliamentary corporation.

That the Parliament appoints Mark Ballard as a pensioner Fund trustee of the Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, further to his nomination for such appointment by the Parliamentary corporation.

The question on the motions will be put at decision time.