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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Parliament

Meeting date: Thursday, March 2, 2023


Point of Order

Maurice Golden (North East Scotland) (Con)

On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I seek your guidance. Yesterday, Lorna Slater said that there were 2 billion containers in the deposit return scheme, representing 95 per cent of volume. Circularity Scotland, the scheme administrator, says that there are 3 billion containers. If the 2 billion figure is correct, is Biffa being paid to collect 1 billion containers that do not exist? If the 3 billion figure is correct, the volume registered would not be even close to 95 per cent.

Presiding Officer, are you willing to invite Lorna Slater to correct the Official Report, or to come to the chamber to explain where the missing 1 billion containers have gone?

The Presiding Officer (Alison Johnstone)

In general, the content of members’ contributions is a matter for members. However, I do expect that ministers should strive to respond to the specific detail of questions, wherever possible. It is certainly the case that a mechanism exists whereby members who become aware of an inaccuracy in any comment can correct the Official Report in that regard.

We will now move to members’ business. There will be a brief pause to allow members to leave the chamber and to allow those in the public gallery who also wish to leave to do so.