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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee [Draft]

Meeting date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Subordinate Legislation

Sheriff Appeal Court Fees Amendment Order (SSI 2025/9)

The Convener (Karen Adam)

Good morning, and welcome to the fifth meeting in 2025, in session 6, of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee. We have received apologies from Paul O’Kane.

Our first agenda item is consideration of a negative Scottish statutory instrument. I refer members to paper 1. Do members have any comments to make on the instrument?

Tess White (North East Scotland) (Con)

My understanding is that the reason for the SSI is an administrative error. That is why we are here to discuss it and vote on it if necessary.

I want to highlight something that came out in the submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Scottish Government’s consultation. CAS raised a big concern about rising court fees, saying:

“We have serious concerns about the negative impact of the proposed uplift in court fees on the realisation of the public’s right of access to justice, especially for those on lower incomes, those who are vulnerable and/or share a protected characteristic.”

I just wanted to put on record that feedback from CAS.

Thank you. Your comments are noted.

Maggie Chapman (North East Scotland) (Green)

When we debated the original statutory instruments last autumn, I moved a motion to annul them all, because of the barriers that Citizens Advice Scotland and others said that increased fees would create. Given that the order will amend one of those instruments and my motion to annul clearly did not go anywhere, I am not going to challenge it at this point.

Thank you. No other members wish to come in. Your comments are noted and are on the record. That concludes consideration of the instrument.