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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Instruments subject to Negative Procedure

Under agenda item 2, we are considering two instruments. An issue has been raised on the following instrument.

Burial (Applications and Register) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 (SSI 2024/334)

The Convener

The purpose of the instrument is to make provision about who may make applications for burials and what information should be included in those applications. In correspondence with the Scottish Government, which is published alongside the papers for this meeting, the committee queried whether regulation 3(2)(a)(v) is sufficiently clear to the reader. The Scottish Government acknowledged that the drafting could be improved and committed to amending the instrument at the next available opportunity.

The committee, however, considers that it will be clear to the reader that there is an error in the wording, and it is content that the issue is unlikely to lead to genuine misunderstanding by the reader of the instrument.

Does the committee wish to draw the instrument to the attention of the Parliament on the general reporting ground in respect of the wording of regulation 3(2)(a)(v)?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

Does the committee welcome that the Scottish Government has undertaken to amend the instrument to improve the drafting of that provision at the next available opportunity?

Members indicated agreement.

Also under this agenda item, no points have been raised on the following instrument.

Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2024 (SSI 2024/352)

Is the committee content with the instrument?

Members indicated agreement.