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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Commission

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011



John Pentland (Motherwell and Wishaw) (Lab)

Good afternoon and welcome to the first meeting of the Scottish Commission for Public Audit in the fourth session of the Scottish Parliament. I remind everybody present to turn off their BlackBerrys and mobiles.

No apologies have been received.

The first item of business is to choose a convener. I seek nominations for that position.

I nominate Colin Beattie.

One nomination has been received. Do members agree that Colin Beattie be chosen as convener?

Colin Beattie was chosen as convener.

I congratulate Colin Beattie on his appointment and ask him to move into the chair for the remainder of the meeting.

I thank members for choosing me as convener.

Are members content to declare their interests and choose a deputy convener?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

Paragraph 4 of schedule 3 to the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000 states that the commission may “determine its own procedure”. With that in mind, members are in agreement that we should align the working practices of the commission to those of the Parliament’s committees. Therefore, members agree that, before we progress, we should declare any interests that might be relevant to the commission’s remit. I remind members that any declaration should be brief but sufficiently detailed to make clear to any listener the nature of the interest. I shall start with my declaration; we shall then proceed around the table.

I am a local authority councillor for Midlothian Council and receive remuneration of between £15,000 and £20,000 per annum. That salary has been waived as of the date of my election to the Scottish Parliament. Midlothian Council also makes available to each councillor an environmental fund of £15,000 per annum. That fund is held by the council but, subject to set parameters, it can be spent at my discretion on projects for the benefit of the community in my council ward.

I own a 50 per cent share in a commercial property in Angus, a 50 per cent share in a commercial property in Fife, and two flats in Edinburgh. I am an unremunerated director trustee of the national mining museum of Scotland. I am the Scottish National Party’s national treasurer and a member of the party’s national executive. I receive no remuneration in connection with that role.

John Pentland

I am a local authority councillor for North Lanarkshire Council for which, following my election as a member of the Scottish Parliament, I receive no remuneration. I have a 1p shareholding with the North Lanarkshire Municipal Bank, which was paid by North Lanarkshire Council.

I have looked over my entry in the register of members’ interests and there is nothing in it that I believe to be of relevance to my membership of the commission.

Angus MacDonald

I am currently a local authority councillor with Falkirk Council and receive approximately £18,000 in remuneration, but I am donating that to local causes for the next few months. Apart from that, I do not think that there is anything of significant note to declare.

I have nothing to declare.

The Convener

Although we are not required to appoint a deputy convener, members have agreed to do so in the interests of conducting efficient business. I suggest that we simply follow the established process in committees of the Parliament for the selection of deputy conveners. I invite nominations for the position.

I nominate John Pentland.

I second that.

John, do you accept the nomination?

I do.

John Pentland was chosen as deputy convener.

I think that our actions will demonstrate the approach that the commission wants to take in this session of the Parliament.