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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Commission

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Work Programme

The commission is invited to consider its approach to developing its work programme. I refer members to paper SCPA/S4/11/1/2, from the secretary. I invite members’ comments on paragraph 4.4, on whether to hold a business planning event.

It sounds like a good idea, if we can fix a date for it.

Do members agree?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

We therefore agree to hold a business planning event, at which we can consider our working practices, such as attendance of non-commission members at meetings and quorums for meetings, our relationship and engagement with key organisations in carrying forward the work programme, and a more detailed work programme, which will outline specific pieces of work that will come to us during the financial year. The secretary, in discussion with me, will make the necessary arrangements and liaise with members on the content and format of the event.

I invite members’ comments on the provisional timetable for business, which is set out in paragraph 8.

It seems okay to me.

Are members content with the timetable?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

In paragraph 10, we are invited to consider whether we want to invite Audit Scotland and Alexander Sloan to our next meeting, which is likely to be in September, to discuss Audit Scotland’s annual report and accounts in more detail. I invite comments.

That seems to be an important place to start.

Are members content with the approach?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

Finally, in paragraph 12, we are invited to consider whether to invite Audit Scotland to provide a provisional budget estimate for 2012-13, which could be considered along with the more firmed-up draft budget proposals in September. If there are no comments, do members agree to do that?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

I confirm that members are content to invite Audit Scotland to submit a provisional estimate.

The next meeting of the commission will be in September, on a date to be confirmed. The secretary will timetable the meeting and publish the agreed date on the website.

As agreed, we will take item 4 in private. I ask members of the public, the official reporters and broadcasting staff to vacate the room.

13:40 Meeting continued in private until 13:42.