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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Instruments subject to Made Affirmative Procedure

Under agenda item 4, we are considering two instruments. No issues have been raised on the following instruments.

Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel and Operator Liability) (Scotland) Amendment (No 3) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/350)

Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel and Operator Liability) (Scotland) Amendment (No 4) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/357)

Is the committee content with the instruments?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

In respect of SSI 2021/357, does the committee nevertheless wish to highlight the importance that it places on consistency of terminology in secondary legislation, particularly when terms are defined?

Members indicated agreement.